I wanted to recalculate the weights from subframeselector for a selection of subframes taken over several nights.
Therefore I ran the script on an existing directory with weighted subframes with postfix's _a.
The "measure" routine went fine.
For the "output subframe" routine, I blanked the postfix option, checked the "overwrite existing files" and ran the script on the same input- and output directory.
The result was a bunch of errors witch corrupted all my subframes - now not recognizable as valid FITS files:
*** Error: PCL Legacy FITS Format Support: Unable to open FITS file: /Users/Jens/Pictures/Astrofoto_Imac/ASI1600MM/NGC281/Approved/NGC281_Blue_30sec_2018-11-25_0001_a.fit
CFITSIO error message stack:
01 : Extension doesn't start with SIMPLE or XTENSION keyword. (ffrhdu)
02 : END
03 : ffopen could not interpret primary array header of file:
04 : /Users/Jens/Pictures/Astrofoto_Imac/ASI1600MM/NGC281/Approved/NGC281_Blue_30sec_
05 : 2018-11-25_0001_a.fit
06 : This does not look like a FITS file.
*** Unable to open file: /Users/Jens/Pictures/Astrofoto_Imac/ASI1600MM/NGC281/Approved/NGC281_Blue_30sec_2018-11-25_0001_a.fit
<* failed *>
The FITS tester gives the following error:
File name: NGC281_Green_30sec_2018-11-25_0012_a.fit
Run Number 23796
fitsverify 4.18 (CFITSIO V3.440)
*** Error: (from CFITSIO error stack:)
Couldn't find the string 'SIMPLE' in the stdin stream.
This does not look like a FITS file.
failed to copy stdin into memory (stdin_open)
failed to find or open the following file: (ffopen)
**** Abort Verification: Fatal Error. ****
Pls help me correct my files
- I'm running Pixinsight under MacOS
I've uploaded an example here: