Hi Larry, Thank you. The issues are on page 57 and 58. The Springer Extras link on page 57 sites a page the publisher no longer uses, and s/b
www.springer.com/us/book/9783319256801. The link in blue is above 'Recommended for you' near the page bottom.
Page 58 under DSLR read "Currently, DSLR RAW files ([CR2, NEF, etc.] both calibration and light frames) must be loaded via Add Custom! You may only need to specify Image Type for the script to recognize them." The new version reads "Currently, DSLR RAW files ([CR2, NEF, etc.] both calibration and light frames ) must be loaded by file type, using the corresponding buttons at the bottom of the dialog. Rather than clicking the generic Add Files button, light frames would only be recognized and properly loaded using the Add Lights button. This is because RAW files don't have any self-identifying information in a textual header as do the FITS and XISF formats. This can also be accomplished using the Add Custom feature. There, you should only need to specify Image Type for the script to recognize them."
Thanks for your support!