Hi Jeff, Rob, et. al., i just checked Springer's page after seeing this- I couldn't find the date? A quick update from my POV- Springer's printer, SPi Global in India and I have been trading proofs for the last few weeks. My first review went back with over 750 comments, which were resolved down to 150, and as of last week, just 30. The outstanding issue at this point is the brightness level of several of the b+w figures. While the original proof faithfully matched mine, subsequent updates were either much too dark, or too light. Not good for a book on astro-imaging (think galaxy cores literally clipped)! Springer NYC got back involved, sending a firm email on Friday to SPi to get their act together. Fingers crossed, they'll nail it next round, and we can go to print! Just trying for the best it can be. Thank you very much for your interest!