Author Topic: Script MaskedStrech --> After finish the star have problem in the center  (Read 3378 times)

Offline Leandro VARGAS

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Every time I make the stretch with the script Maskestrech the stars are in the center with higher saturation than the rest of the star, it is like watching a donut, with the script I make a stretch up to 50%, no more, but the start have the same problem for different picture .

You know what is the reason that occurs?

There is another tools to Replace this script Masketestrech?

Thank you,


Offline Dimitris Platis

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Actually MS is the best way to get good star there are several ways to deal with this
1) look at this tutorial (
2) U can use a star mask and apply a convolution algorithm
3) Perform MS only on RGB image and simply Histrogram stretch Luminace so at the LRGB stage you will have less of a problem while maintaining good color

Offline oldwexi

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Hi Leandro!
My personal experience with MS is very positiv. I get nice small stars with proper center, except:
when one of the 3 channels is not focussed properly then  I also experience bad star centers.
But i see this as my fault not as a MS fault.


Offline gvanhau

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Did you try using the masked stretch tool (not the masked stretch script) they are slightly different.

Geert Vanhauwaert

Offline Warhen

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Just a general thought for all of us, and not directed to Leandro at all! It's good practice to first search the archives before posting  a 'new' question. This is an example of a question which has been discussed several times. The search filter here is good, and adding to an existing thread keeps down bandwidth and makes for easier searching. An exception would be a very old thread which might not be seen. Just my 2 cents. :>) Happy new year all!
Best always, Warren

Warren A. Keller

Offline Leandro VARGAS

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Thank you very much for the comments, I will experiment with MS tools with my DSLR Nikon D600 camera.

Happy New Year.
