I tried the script tonight and it did some odd stuff but sort of worked. The "FinalCombo" image appears to have been created but I can't find it. I can redo the final ChannelCombination operation and I do get an image that looks vaguely like it should after I remove the background, but not that great.
I played around with the script a little and compared it with the results of trying to do it by hand and I can see what is going on. The script doesn't seem to adjust the luminances of the HaGB and HaRGB images for "best fit" as mentioned in the tutorial. That's the step I haven't been able to figure out myself and I suspect that its absence is why the result is poor, at least for my data.
Anyway, thanks for writing the script, Dave. I'll keep beating on it for a while and see if I can figure things out. In the meantime, if anybody can give me some hints as to how to go about the second part of the process (what to do once the HaGB and HaRGB images have been created) then I'd be terribly grateful!