Author Topic: Is anyone working on a script to support Vincent's tutorial on N-Band / B-Band?  (Read 9862 times)

Offline David Raphael

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I know that there was someone working on a N-Band combination script, but is anyone or has anyone implemented as a simple script so that users don't have to use the PixelMath interface?

I am interested in writing some code...that was one of the first one's I thought of...

I will start working on this if no one has already done this or is working on this...

David Raphael

Offline Nocturnal

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I haven't heard of anyone tackling that one yet. Looks like a great project, quite ambitious for a first script :)

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Offline David Raphael

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I have knocked out the skeleton of this script.  However, I am struggling to implement the part where Vincent describes the combination of HaRGB and HaGB transferring the CIE a* and CIE b* components to the HaGB from the HaRGB image.

Does anyone know how to do this with PixelMath?  Or does this have to be done some other way?

Help greatly appreciated!

David Raphael

Offline Nocturnal

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how would you do it without a script? Once you figure that out you can look at the history of the file to figure out the PJSR objects and properties you need.

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Offline David Raphael

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I guess I should have asked that question ;-)

I am not sure actually.  I've searched the forums, but I don't see anyone talking about that particular part of the tutorial.  Based on my understanding, it seems like it's an LRGB combine with L coming from the HaGB and RGB coming from the HaRGB...but I don't know for sure.

Should I ask this in another part of the forum?
David Raphael

Offline Nocturnal

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Hmm, I wouldn't attempt to script any process that I can't first do my hand :) Not sure where you should post that question other than the plain 'PixInsight' forum. After posting you may want to send Vicent a forum message with the thread URL to make sure he sees it.

Edge HD 1100
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Offline David Raphael

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Well, I think I successfully scripted everything but the last step.  I will take your advice and post elsewhere as well.

David Raphael

Offline Niall Saunders

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See my response to your other thread posting

Niall Saunders
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Offline David Raphael

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Ok.  I've attached another version of the script that includes the CIE a* and CIE b* combination...

Let me know if you guys have any feedback.

David Raphael

Offline David Raphael

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Has anyone had a chance to try this out?  Do I need to ask for people to try this out on a different part of the forums?  I am looking for feedback to improve this...

David Raphael

Offline Niall Saunders

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Sorry Dave,

I have been hoping to do all sorts of PI stuff this weekend, but have been fighting with a failed RAID array instead. I might not get a chance to look at this until next week now.
Niall Saunders
Clinterty Observatories
Aberdeen, UK

Altair Astro GSO 10" f/8 Ritchey Chrétien CF OTA on EQ8 mount with homebrew 3D Balance and Pier
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Offline David Raphael

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No worries...I just didn't know if there is an announcement thread or something...I don't think the script is quite ready for prime-time...

David Raphael

Offline Harry page

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Ihave had a go  :D

could you give a idea of what altering the settings will do

Harry Page

Offline David Raphael

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Thoughts?  Did it work?  Or did it just create junk?
David Raphael

Offline Harry page

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Oh yes it worked , it was just that I need more info so I can get better results

Harry Page