I have seen a few methods for adding narrowband data to broadband data...some with successful results, others with less than successful.
Never could find a successful well documented method for doing that.....in the sense that.....I have for example perused through Vincent Paris' tutorial of adding Ha to Galaxies (both the video and the long tutorial about continuum maps(
http://pixinsight.com/tutorials/narrowband/)) but I cant make these things work. They seem to work on idealized versions of fits and should one wish to adjust the method to fit it doesnt seem to work (easily at least or even with some effort). Let me give u some examples of some issues...
Should the Ha image contain almost same number of stars as the broadband Red image (due to example overexposure) that seems to create some problems in creating reddish stars, or reddish background. Also, a continuum map in these cases is almost impossible to obtain....should I Rescale or not?
Could perhaps some explain the correct strategy for doing that (No script methods please). I would appreciate if we get the mere basics of what Vincent is trying to accomplish.
I would certainly appreciate any help!
Thanks people...