Author Topic: Any support XISF format in other astronomy software?  (Read 3533 times)

Offline johnw3d

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Any support XISF format in other astronomy software?
« on: 2016 October 16 23:48:30 »
Wondering if there's been any support for PI's new XISF format in other astronomy software or tools?   

In particular, I use the very extensive set of Python-based astronomy & image-processing tools (SciPy, Astropy, SciKit, etc., etc.) and all, of course, support FITS files.   Is anyone adding XISF support to any of these libraries?

From what I can see, the only viable way to do this is to build something around the PCL C++ XISF module, is that correct?

Tak FSQ-106EDX refractor, Optec focuser, 10Micron GM1000HPS mount, QHY9M + 2" filter wheel, Alnitak FlipFlat, Baader LRGB & Astrodon 3nm narrowband filters; Per's ModelMaker, SGP, PixInsight, LRCS, Photoshop

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Any support XISF format in other astronomy software?
« Reply #1 on: 2016 October 17 01:52:07 »
Wondering if there's been any support for PI's new XISF format in other astronomy software or tools?

Of course not :)

I plan on releasing a final XISF 1.0 specification document and an XISF development library (similar to libTIFF or libjpeg), which should facilitate implementations made by third party developers. These should have been released months ago, in fact. Other tasks, and the absolute lack of interest shown by the community, have lowered my motivation. I'll eventually release them, hopefully still this year.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline johnw3d

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Re: Any support XISF format in other astronomy software?
« Reply #2 on: 2016 October 17 08:03:42 »
Thanks Juan. 

I will look forward to your dev library, but wondering if it does make sense to try to craft my own standalone library from the PCL XISF code, or is it too dependent on PixInsight as a host app to make that possible?

Thanks again,
Tak FSQ-106EDX refractor, Optec focuser, 10Micron GM1000HPS mount, QHY9M + 2" filter wheel, Alnitak FlipFlat, Baader LRGB & Astrodon 3nm narrowband filters; Per's ModelMaker, SGP, PixInsight, LRCS, Photoshop

Offline knro

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Re: Any support XISF format in other astronomy software?
« Reply #3 on: 2019 June 09 02:01:44 »
Wondering if there's been any support for PI's new XISF format in other astronomy software or tools?

Of course not :)

I plan on releasing a final XISF 1.0 specification document and an XISF development library (similar to libTIFF or libjpeg), which should facilitate implementations made by third party developers. These should have been released months ago, in fact. Other tasks, and the absolute lack of interest shown by the community, have lowered my motivation. I'll eventually release them, hopefully still this year.

Is there any update on this? I can't seem to find any libXISF library? The only one I found was in PCL but this is a huge dependency which cannot be included in other 3rd party apps. If there is a libXISF library (akin to libTIFF..etc) then we'd be happy to add XISF support to INDI.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Any support XISF format in other astronomy software?
« Reply #4 on: 2019 June 09 10:06:30 »
The reference XISF implementation is part of the PixInsight Class Library:

Contrarily to what may seem at first sight, this is not a large dependency at all. Actually, a standalone XISF support library would be much larger and complex, dependency wise, than the current PCL implementation. This is because PCL already provides everything necessary for a working baseline XISF implementation, from XML to RGB working spaces and the XISF image object model. All XISF support classes have been designed to be completely independent on the PixInsight core application, so one just has to include PCL as a third-party component of a project to have full XISF support. PCL is being released under a permissive BSD-like license that allows direct inclusion in virtually any open-source or commercial project. Let me know if you need help to integrate this functionality and I'll be glad to assist you.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team