Hi Herbert,
Yes, of course you can do this. Some examples:
zoom -z=4 *
This will apply a 4:1 zoom factor to all open images.
zoom -f *_B*
Apply the 'zoom to fit' action to all images including '_B' in their identifiers.
If you enter 'help zoom' you'll get detailed information on the zoom command. Here is the result for your convenience:
help zoom
The zoom command sets the current zoom ratio for a set of views.
Usage: zoom [<arg_list>] [<image_id_list>]
-z=<n> | --zoom-factor=<n>
<n> is the new zoom factor in the range [-32,+100]. Positive values are
zoom-in (magnifying) factors. Negative values indicate zoom-out
(demagnifying) factors. The zero and -1 values are reserved and must
not be used. +1 corresponds to the 1:1 (actual size) zoom ratio.
-i | --zoom-in
Selects the zoom-in mode. Current zoom factors are incremented.
-o | --zoom-out
Selects the zoom-out mode. Current zoom factors are decremented.
-f | --fit
Selects the zoom-to-fit mode. Zoom factors are automatically calculated
such that target views fit in the workspace completely.
Same as --fit, but no magnification is allowed.
This option does not change current zoom rations. It resizes target
windows so that they fit their current views completely, if this is
possible without exceeding workspace limits; otherwise windows are
resized to occupy the whole workspace, in one or both axes.
Displays this help and exits.
The information given is slightly outdated. The minimum zoom factor is now -100, that is, the allowed range of zoom factors is [–100,+100]. This command should provide arguments to apply an optimal fit action, as well as more control on the target images. I'll implement them in the next version.