Hi all,
I have PI Programing Question--actually it is about a script I found on the PI Forum that attempts to implement the algorithm by Vicent Peris: "A New Approach to Combination of Broadband and Narrowband Data." The script is ""CombineNBandWithBBand v0.1" by David Raphael (2010). (David, are you there?) Download link is on this page:
http://pixinsight.com/forum/index.php?topic=2127.0Anyway, I tried it and it generated an error in this section of code (below). Does anyone see the problem? (I do not know PI classes and such, or where to read about them.) No idea what creatFlatRGBWS() is supposed to do or why, but the last line below is where it seems to hang.
var flatRGBWS = createFlatRGBWS();
flatRGBWS.executeOn( ImageWindow.windowById("HaRGB").mainView );
var haGB_PM = createPmSkel();
with( haGB_PM )
expression = "NBandImage * " + dialog.haBoost_Edit.text;
expression1 = "BBandImage[1]";
expression2 = "BBandImage[2]";
newImageId = "HaGB";
newImageColorSpace = RGB;
haGB_PM.executeOn( broadBandImage[0].mainView );
flatRGBWS.executeOn( ImageWindow.windowById("HaGB").mainView );
Interestingly, the last image the script produces before bombing is a combined Ha-R image, which I rescued and was able to integrated into an HaRGB image of considerable pizzazz and with good preservation of stars. It sure would be nice to get the entire script's code completed and up to date and functioning!
Thanks, Alex