Author Topic: Batch preprocessing turn computer off  (Read 1006 times)

Offline fgbarr

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Batch preprocessing turn computer off
« on: 2016 November 23 08:32:19 »

I'm new in Pixinsight (1.8 with last update) and using Canon SL1 DSLR files.  In this case I have 45 Bias, 23 Darks and 44 Lights.  I can use any number of Darks and Lights files to process and it is OK, but I can't use more than 6 bias because the computer turns off (Like if you  press the on/off button for 8 seconds) when preprocessing Bias files. I discover it doing many simulations.  Is it a Bug?  I'm using default parameters suggested by many  processing videos for DSLR process.

Computer Dell Vostro Notebook i5.  Windows 10 pro.

I'm doing some more testes and it appears I can't leave the computer processing alone.  Testing again.  Any suggestion?

I put an external cooler on the computer and the problem do not changed.

Only for information I use my computer for others softwares without any error, including, for astronomy,  DSS, Byos, PHD, Startools.

Thank you in advance,
« Last Edit: 2016 November 23 13:42:51 by fgbarr »

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Batch preprocessing turn computer off
« Reply #1 on: 2016 November 23 15:59:11 »

This is not a software bug, but a hardware-related problem in your computer. Typically, shutdowns are related to thermal management issues, and are more likely to happen on laptops. A workaround can be reducing the maximum number of processor cores used via preferences, but of course this will degrade performance.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team