Windows Improvement Summary

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Staff member
Hi all,

Since there are some configuration changes needed to improve the performance of PixInsight under Windows, we think it would be useful for you to have all of them packed in a single place. Let's review the external settings you need to check in case you have machine-specific problems:

  • The problem of moving cursor over an image being sluggish is due to a wrong graphics driver configuration. Gamer-grade GPUs are optimized to run games; on some machines, the driver can be configured by default with a wrong vertical sync parameter that leads to an extremely slow image and cursor movement in PixInsight. You'll find how to configure your driver to overcome this problem here:

  • The slow file access caused by Windows Defender can be solved by configuring PixInsight.exe and QtWebEngineProcess.exe as safe applications. You'll find how to configure Windows Defender here:

  • We have designed and implemented a new cache system in the latest build 1579 to make PixInsight more robust to file system performance issues on Windows. PixInsight needs to access its configuration files very often, and it benefits from the efficient file caching characteristic of the Linux and macOS filesystems. With the new implementation, we have definitively overcome this problem on Windows. You can read a description of these new features in the announcement message:

  • Lastly, please remember that some antivirus are throwing a false positive when you download the application. Our files in the Software Distribution System are signed with the best possible EV signature, so a change in a single bit would invalidate that signature. The files on our server are safe to download.

Hope this helps you to configure your specific machine to optimally run PixInsight.
Best regards,
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