What is the correct processing sequence?


The first step in image processing is to use WBPP.
We then use one of the possible gradient adjustment processes.
Now you need to make color correction using, for example, SPCC.
We also have processes for deconvolution and background flattening (for example, BlurXTerminator and NoiseXTerminator).
Question: Can these two processes be used before using the color correction process?
Will using these processes beforehand result in more accurate color correction?

Hello Alex,

We also have processes for deconvolution and background flattening (for example, BlurXTerminator and NoiseXTerminator).
Question: Can these two processes be used before using the color correction process?
Will using these processes beforehand result in more accurate color correction?

Absolutely not: SPCC must be used as the first step of an image processing, just after WBPP for an OSC image or just after ChannelCombination for monochrome R, G, B images.
As you said, the only process you can do before SPCC is gradient correction. Anything else will likely degrade your color calibration and should therefore be done after SPCC.
The first step in image processing is to use WBPP.
This may sound a bit pedantic, but WBPP is hardly "a first step". WBPP is an entire configureable preprocessing calibration / integration workflow, with many options. It is the first half-dozen or so steps ...
... I say this mainly because a large number of errors by inexperienced users are in the use of WBPP. I would advise any beginner with PixInsight to try and perform a step-by-step calibration without WBPP at least once; you will then understand WBPP much better.
This may sound a bit pedantic, but WBPP is hardly "a first step". WBPP is an entire configureable preprocessing calibration / integration workflow, with many options. It is the first half-dozen or so steps ...
... I say this mainly because a large number of errors by inexperienced users are in the use of WBPP. I would advise any beginner with PixInsight to try and perform a step-by-step calibration without WBPP at least once; you will then understand WBPP much better.
The way I think of it is that WBPP is (as the name suggests) not exactly a processing step at all. It is preprocessing... all the steps necessary to produce a basic master or masters. At that point the actual processing begins. (Semantics, of course, but useful.)