What is maximum sized FITS file? Maximum number of panels for mosaic?


New member
I am working with large mosaics. I have two questions:

1. What is the biggest mosaic in terms of number of panels (aka tiles) that PixInsight can combine?

2. What is the biggest FITS file that PixInsight can reasonably work with.

The issue with #1 depends on how PixInsight figures out the relative position of mosaic panels/ tiles.

The issue with #2 is really how big a file could I practically use PixInsight for doing final processing. Note that I have a lot of memory in my machine (256Gb).

I have done a 29 panel mosaic and the only issue was that the image became too cumbersome. When adding the last few panels my old laptop would battle for 3 hours to do the integration. I did change the images to 8bit and then the mosaic assembly was a snap. Good luck!
