Thanks Fred I have plenty to get on with now ;-)I should also have mentioned, which will handle all the nausea of the messy fits format for you.
Thanks Fred I have plenty to get on with now ;-)I should also have mentioned, which will handle all the nausea of the messy fits format for you.
Hi Fred,I should also have mentioned, which will handle all the nausea of the messy fits format for you.
No. Normally when the sample format integer is used for intensity values in FITS format, these are signed integer values. For 16 bit, the range is -32768 to +32767. The keywords BZERO and BSCALE are used in order that unsigned integer values (for 16 bit: in the range of 0 to 65535) can berepresented in FITS files. When unsigned integer values are to be represented, the value of keyword BZERO must be set to 2^(BITPIX - 1), so for BITPIX = 16, this value has to be 32768, and BSCALE must be set to 1.0. So you should not change values of the keywords BITPIX, BZERO or BSCALE, and this is not at all possible in PixInsight.Now I can adjust the Fits Header BZERO BSCALE and BITPIX values and scaling data using int16 but my numbers are a little different
bzero = -15.00
bscale = 35535.0
bitpix = 16 (do you think I should use 32bit here? )
to reflect your numbers above in Fits Floating Point Ranges ?
Minimum: -52620.3203125
Maximum: +64173.91015625
Hi Bernd,No. Normally when the sample format integer is used for intensity values in FITS format, these are signed integer values. For 16 bit, the range is -32768 to +32767. The keywords BZERO and BSCALE are used in order that unsigned integer values (for 16 bit: in the range of 0 to 65535) can berepresented in FITS files. When unsigned integer values are to be represented, the value of keyword BZERO must be set to 2^(BITPIX - 1), so for BITPIX = 16, this value has to be 32768, and BSCALE must be set to 1.0. So you should not change values of the keywords BITPIX, BZERO or BSCALE, and this is not at all possible in PixInsight.
This all has nothing to do with the present problem, because the file in question contains intensity values in the sample format 32-bit floating point. PixInsight internally represents values in the range of 0.0 to 1.0, and when writing a file, it will contain values in this range. However, for FITS files containing floating point numbers, no range is defined (this is the issue!). Therefore, when you want to import a FITS file in PixInsight, the input range of floating point values has to be set in the FITS Format Preferences (see post #17).
When you set in FITS Format Preferences, section 'Floating Point Out Of Range Policy', 'How to proceed:' to 'Always ask', PixInsight wil indicate the full range present in the FITS file, in case of your file:
Minimum: -52620.3203125
Maximum: +64173.91015625
In this file, some negative values are present. If you set an input range of 0.0 to 65535.0 and 'Action' to 'Truncate all out-of-range values', some values are clipped. You can call the Statistics tool (option 'Unclipped' shall be disabled) and will see count (%) = 99.41889. This means: (100.0 - 99.41889) % = 0.58111 % of all pixels are clipped with this input range setting.
When you set an input range of -15.0 to 65535.0, count (%) = 99.93772 results, i.e. 0.06228 % of all pixels are clipped.
Looking a little further, the "Heaven's Mirror" observatory is indeed near Yass in New South Wales, but the particular telescope that captured this image has a note "this telescope hosted in Chile".but may be a little disappointing for an excellent dark sky site in NSW with AOX.
Come to think of it, it would also be easy to forget to set the time / time zone for the remote location. Most of this probably doesn't matter for deep space images (where geocentric coordinates are good enough), but could cause problems for astrometry on solar system objects.If this is a remote hosted telescope I can see that it would be easy to forget to set up the processing application with the appropriate (remote site) coordinates.
Hi Fred,I think it is worth examining this data a bit more closely.
The FITS header indicates that it is from an SBIG STXL11002 CCD camera, which matches the image dimensions.
This camera has a 16 bit A/D, so the "natural" data format would be 16 bit unsigned integer (range 0..65535).
It appears to be a single 1800 sec exposure (not an integrated image), calibrated with a matching reference dark and a reference flat.
There are still a few hot pixels visible, so a run of CC is recommended.
The data has been pre-processed. A number of keywords included are exclusive to CCDStack [The keywords starting with "DSP" seem to refer to the CCDStack local display settings, and should not influence the data]. CCDStack, like PI, has a standard working image data format of 32 bit float, but unlike PI it does not normalise to [0..1].
The data range of this image (-52620.3203125 .. +64173.91015625) suggests that either (A): the original integer range has been mapped onto a floating range (probably initially -65535..+65535; this would be similar to the FITS signed integer 32768 offset combined with a multiplication by 2) or (B): some post-processing has (a) shifted the 16 bit image data downwards, creating negative values, and (b) generated some extreme negative values.
To test these posibilities, I have histogrammed the data, testing the distribution well into the low tails. Here is a multi-scale histogram plot:
View attachment 22891
By increasing the bin size to change the plot scale (bin widths in square brackets), it can be seen the the central peak tails of smoothly for both positive and negative values. This suggests that option A is a reasonable hypothesis - which suggests that the whole floating point range of the image is probably valid data (i.e. the "background peak" was close to 50% signal in the original 16 bit data); this is plausible given the F number (~F/6.8) and exposure time. However, very few pixels fall in the negative tail. Truncating at -15 was a "trial-and-error" result, but analysis of a cumulative histogram indicates that this rejects less than 8000 pixels in the image, which confirms it as a reasonable choice. The upper limit was selected as being likely to be the max of the original data range; however, it would be reasonable to set a max value as the maximum data value - +64173.91015625, or 64174 for simplicity.