SubframeSelector - Ability to read additional existing Keywords in file


New member
Would love to have the ability to read an additional list of FITS keywords from the file list you select and present it in the window for analysis just as the standard one. ie. I would like to include the WBPWEIGHT keyword written during calibration by WBP and include it in a SubframeSelector session to be able to compare and further weight if needed those keyword values as well. (if you could also add the ability to move files off the list and to a different folder like in Blink and other processes, that would be great)
Good suggestion and undoubtedly a very useful improvement. I'll try to implement this feature as soon as possible in the SubframeSelector tool. It isn't trivial, so don't hold your breath though.
Hello I am brand new to PI, but this function would be very useful, for example with weather data, to be able to discard frames where the measured "seeing" is bad. Any update on that feature, or any work around to read fits keywords and plot the data.