Stitching images together


Well-known member

Can anyone help with the following question -
I've got a 30'' F3.5 scope which is great for getting fine detail on individual smaller deep sky object such as M81 but would only capture a fraction of M45.
I'm aware from the past that there were ways to stitch images together to get panoramic shots. Is there an process with PI that allows stitching a mosaic of smaller fields of view to get a big one?


yes - several.

i'd say the state of the art would be to solve each pane with ImageSolver, then run MosaicByCoordinates on the solved images, then use GradientsMergeMosaic to merge together the output of MosaicByCoordinates.

that image was produced with the above method.

Hi Rob,

Wow, that's a big image!

I managed to find the first two steps unders 'scripts' and the last one under' processes' so at least I know how to start - thanks.
Just one question, could you give a high level comment on each script just to say fundamentally the purpose of each?

