Problem with CatalogStarGenerator


Active member
When issuing CatalogStarGenerator as shown below, the resulting view is empty, except for a small portion
in the upper right and lower right corner.
My EDR3 catalog consists of 10 XPSD files.
There is no bug here, but just the expected result with the specified parameters.

The Catalog Star Generator script imposes a reasonable upper limit on the number of objects that can be represented on its output image. The parameters that you have defined generate a list of about 81,000,000 stars in a standard XPSD search operation with the Gaia EDR3 catalog. The current limit has been set to 200,000 objects. Clearly this limit could be increased to something like 500,000 for example, but 80 million stars definitely cannot be managed by a script.

Try lowering the maximum magnitude parameter to something reasonable for the specified FoV, such as 12.5 magnitude (about 140,000 stars).