PixInsight can't find drizzle files

Used WBPP 2.0 to generate drizzle files. These are XDRZ files and have endings of _c_cc_d_r. I can easily find the files in Windows File Explorer. But when I try to Add Files to ImageIntegration, the files are not visible and cannot be opened. I see there is a Add Drizzle Files as the fourth button down, but it is greyed out and can't be used. If I just try Open File in the Main Menu, they can't be found there either.

Have I failed to enable some feature which allow the use of drizzle files? I can make them but I can't use them.

Any comment appreciated.


have you first added the actual files to be integrated? in ImageIntegration, the drizzle files are so-called "sidecar" files which are used alongside the actual files that you want to integrate. they are updated by the ImageIntegration process and finally you can load the drizzle files themselves into DrizzleIntegration.

The instructional video I watched apparently omitted this step. First time doing this for me. The original master light was created during WBPP. So now I must take the original registered files into ImageIntegration, as I would in the "long" process, then use Add Drizzle Files, and then run? ImageIntegration apparently then sorts and creates a master light from the drizzle files - am I getting this correctly now?
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ok, i have never used WBPP to do a drizzle run. i was taking it on faith that they needed to be updated by ImageIntegration but actually that does not make sense as WBPP goes thru the whole process. so, it's likely that the xdrz files made by WBPP have already been updated by ImageIntegration and so you might just be able to load them straight into DrizzleIntegration. have you tried that?

Yes, that was my original hang up. I now have added the registered files created during WBPP and I see the Add Drizzle Files button now OK. Clicking this will allow the addition of drizzle files but not the original files. Now running ImageIntegration to see how it turns out.

Thanks much, Rob. Will let you know the results.