Pixinsight and Mac OS Catalina


Active member
I, too, have had several problems using Catalina. I cannot "Save Project". I get the following error message: " File I/O Error: Unable to creat directory: Read-only file system: tests.pxiproject". I talked to Apple Support concerning this problem and I was told that this was a known problem and that the Pixinsight people were working on it. The Apple technician explained that Catalina made this Read Only change to their operating system to prevent some other serious problems from happening to the operating system.
I am super impressed that Apple knows us ?

A "read-only file system" error means exactly that: you are trying to write to a read-only device. This may include a disk drive, a network folder, or a folder under the root directory. Since macOS 10.15, the system volume is read-only for security enforcement. So this isn't a known problem because this isn't a problem in PixInsight. Simply select a different, writable volume to store your projects.
Juan, IL'm sorry for the confusion. I have been a Mac user since they first came out but I do not comprehend the inner workings of the thing. I have no idea what a root directory or writable volume means. I have made the same entries with Pixinsight for a couple of years now and I just don't know what to do now to select a different, writable volume. I just don't know what this means. I would appreciate some direction on what to do.


anything in your home directory should be writeable by you. but if somehow your file browser was set to the root directory of the disk when you gave the project a name, it would fail as you've indicated.

so just try going to your home folder before giving the project a name and clicking OK, and see what happens.
