PixInsight 1.6.0 - Process > Load/Save Favorite Process Collection

Juan Conejero

PixInsight Staff
Staff member
The upcoming PixInsight 1.6.0 allows you to save and load favorite process collections as XML files. The current favorite process collection is shown on the Process Explorer window under the <Favorites> category. They are also shown on a new "Favorite Processes" item available on the Workspace context menu. Here is the new Process > Favorites main menu item:


Favorite process collection files are XML files with the .xfpc file suffix. For example, here is a .xfpc file to define a custom set of favorite processes:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xfpc>
<xfpc version="1.0" xmlns="http://pixinsight.com/ns/xfpc">
   <process id="ACDNR"/>
   <process id="ATrousWaveletTransform"/>
   <process id="ChannelExtraction"/>
   <process id="CurvesTransformation"/>
   <process id="Deconvolution"/>
   <process id="DynamicBackgroundExtraction"/>
   <process id="DynamicCrop"/>
   <process id="FastRotation"/>
   <process id="GREYCstoration"/>
   <process id="HDRWaveletTransform"/>
   <process id="HistogramTransformation"/>
   <process id="ImageIntegration"/>
   <process id="LRGBCombination"/>
   <process id="PixelMath"/>
   <process id="ProcessContainer"/>
   <process id="RGBWorkingSpace"/>
   <process id="RestorationFilter"/>
   <process id="SampleFormatConversion"/>
   <process id="ScreenTransferFunction"/>
   <process id="Statistics"/>
   <process id="UnsharpMask"/>

As you can see, editing xfpc files with a good plain text editor (e.g., PixInsight's Script Editor) is very easy. In this way you can customize your favorite process collections.

Upon application startup, PixInsight 1.6+ loads a default.xfpc file from its installation directory, if it exists. By editing default.xfpc, you can change the default set of favorite processes that loads automatically each time you launch PixInsight.

Be prepared to see extensive usage of XML in PixInsight 1.6, including a new XPSM format to store process icon files.
Looks nice and intuitive Juan, keep them coming !

BTW, do you have a summary "Wish List" - of all of our requests, whether they are
'still being considered'
'introduced in version x.y.z'
'no longer applicable'
'imminent release'
'highly unlikely'
'not possible'

Maybe this could be 'stickyfied' on the Forum, or even 'Wikified' - although both will need someone to keep the data up to date.

Thanks Cheyenne,

Now, whilst I try to remember my Wiki login details, you couldn't make an update on thw Wiki page for me, could you?

What I really see on that Wiki page is, first and foremost, a link back to the 'prime repository' for the Wish List, i.e. here on the Forum

The Wiki might serve its purpose best by displaying a 'table' of Wish List progress - as I hinted at in my earlier post.

In fact, what I am really hoping is to be able to see all the Wish Requests past and present, summarised in a simple table. I didn't really want a second area for requests to be made.

That way, before a duplicate request is made, the table can be quickly checked. Similarly, a polite enquiry to Juan about a specific request might just jog his memory (or, more often, his enthusiasm ::))

Given that the table is going to have to be populated first time round, and then kept up to date thereafter, it has to be simple and straightforward.

Any thoughts welcome.

Well.. (and this is offtopic for this particular thread)...

I think that the purpose of the wiki could be the "collection" and consolidation of the wish list (or other topics for that mater).  The problem that I see with forums, is that something for a wish list discussion/thread is that one has to search the entire thread for each item.  Forums are great for time linear discussion,  but if the goal is to have a list (or some consolidated single output), the wiki "works" better (personal opinion).  So.. what I would like to see is the wiki have a list of items, and if there was or is further discussion a pointer to the specific forum thread.

I think we are kind of saying the same thing -- just looking at it from different angles.

Hola Caliu:

B?sicamente dice que el Pixi va a utilizar el lenguaje XML para ciertas cosas. Pone un ejemplo en el que mediante la edicion de ese archivo XML puedes cargar tus procesos favoritos. XML es el futuro (m?s bien presente ya). Por ejemplo, si Pixi implementase un gestor de proyectos probablemente la idea de Juan sea realizarlo en XML.

El resto de la conversaci?n trata sobre las peticiones de los usuarios y la necesidad de llevar un control de como se van desarrollando cada una de ellas (no posible, implementado en la version x, desfasado, en proceso...).

Un saludo, Silvercup