PixInsight 1.5: Prerelease Information

Juan Conejero

PixInsight Staff
Staff member
[Texto en Espa?ol al final]


As all of you probably know already, we are working very hard to finish PixInsight 1.5. This new version was initially scheduled for March. The bad news is that, thinking realistically, I don't hope to be able to release it before the end of April; perhaps a bit later. The good news is that this delay is due to a large number of exciting new processing tools and features. So the net result is that PixInsight 1.5 is a much more powerful, versatile and stable image processing platform than what was initially planned. This post is to warm you up with a few screenshots that demonstrate some of the new capabilities that we are preparing for PixInsight 1.5.

New Feature: Virtual Views

PixInsight 1.5 introduces a new and powerful concept: virtual views. A virtual view is an object of the user interface that behaves just like an actual view (a main view or a preview) in some fundamental aspects, even though it isn't actually a real view pertaining to an image window.

In version 1.5, the Real-Time Preview interface can be used as a virtual view. This means that any processing tool is able to work with the internal real-time preview image that is being represented on the screen, irrespective of the process that owns the Real-Time Preview interface at a given moment.

Yes, I know that the above explanation sounds quite a bit confusing, so let's put an example:


The screenshot above shows the Real-Time Preview interface owned by the CurvesTransformation interface. The real-time preview image being shown is the result of the S-shaped curve being defined. So far everything looks pretty normal. But please look more carefully at the HistogramTransformation and Statistics interfaces. Specifically, pay attention to the fact that the RealTimePreview virtual view has been selected on both tools.

So the histogram and statistical data being shown are being calculated in real-time for the current Real-Time Preview image. As soon as we move a curve point, the following happens:

- The Real-Time Preview image is regenerated to show the result of the current curve.

- The histograms of the resulting Real-Time Preview image are recalculated and drawn on the HistogramTransformation interface. Furthermore, a histogram transformation has been defined, and its effects are calculated and shown on the upper panel of HistogramTransformation.

- The statistics of the resulting Real-Time Preview image are recalculated and printed on the Statistics interface.

And everything happens smoothly in real-time, using all processors available. You'll love this feature 8)

Improved Tool: DynamicBackgroundExtraction

The DBE process can now apply a background correction. It can subtract the generated background model from the target image, or divide the target image by the model. Optionally, the subtraction or division can preserve the existing mean background values, or neutralize them (when the background model is accurate, of course). Here's a screenshot:


New Tool: BackgroundNeutralization

The new BackgroundNeutralization tool allows you to achieve a perfect neutral background in just a couple clicks. No more PixelMath required to carry out neutralization operations.

In the following example:


We have a M17 DSLR image (courtesy of Vicent Peris and Jos? Luis Lamadrid) before background neutralization. Although the overall color is good for the main object, it is obvious that the background has a strong green cast.

BackgroundNeutralization requires a good background reference. A good background reference includes mainly data that actually represents the sky background in the image. In this case, the image has few free sky background regions. Note that we have used the excellent PreviewAggregator script by David Serrano to gather five background areas into a single image, which we have selected to sample the background in the image.

Here is the same image after applying BackgroundNeutralization:


Note that we have been working with a raw linear image all the time.

New Tool: ColorCalibration

Accurate color calibration made easy. No more PixelMath burden and complex procedures are necessary to accomplish this task: the ColorCalibration tool makes all the dirty work for you, both quickly and accurately.

Here is an example with the same M17 image used before:


After BackgroundNeutralization (which is a mandatory initial step for the sake of calibration accuracy), the above screenshot shows the ColorCalibration tool being used to calibrate the image by sampling a high number of stars in the image. Note the aggregated images with two and nine previews being used, respectively as the background and white references.

The basic idea behind this procedure is that when a sufficiently large number of stars are sampled, the resulting mean color should be a plausible white reference for overall color correction. For more information on this topic, see this forum discussion:


This forum thread has motivated the immediate release of this tool, which had been designed but not planned for version 1.5.

Here is the image after color calibration:


Note that ColorCalibration can generate a mask with the employed white reference pixels. This is a useful feature to gain tight control over the process.

The feature selection algorithm used to isolate stars as white references (or, more precisely, small-scale structures) is an adaptation of the star detection algorithm that I designed for the StarAlignment tool. It really works very well, as you can see.

ColorCalibration can also work with a view as its white reference image. This is particularly useful to calibrate an image using a nearby galaxy. The integrated light of a nearby galaxy is a plausible white reference, since it contains large samples for all star populations and its redshift is negligible. This method has been proposed by PTeam member Vicent Peris, who has implemented it to calibrate a number of images taken with large telescopes. According to Vicent, ideal calibration galaxies should have the following properties:

- Closer than 50 mpc

- Hubble classifications Sa, Sb, Sc, Scd, SBa, SBb, SBc or SBcd

- Inclination less than 60 degrees

- Integrated intrinsic intergalactic and galactic reddening < 0.5 mag in Johnson B

Here is an example with Vicent's NGC7331 image taken with Calar Alto's 3.5 meter telescope:

The RGB composite image before calibration:

After BackgroundNeutralization:

After ColorCalibration:

New Tool: ImageIntegration

Version 1.5 comes with a first version of the ImageIntegration tool. This tool performs a combination of an unlimited number of FITS files into a single integrated (stacked) image. ImageIntegration is a high-performance tool with the following main features:

- Mean, median, minimum and maximum image combination operations.

- k-Sigma clipping, percentile clipping, min/max, CCD-clip and average sigma clipping rejection algorithms.

- Automatic image scaling and normalization, definable separately for image combination and pixel rejection.

- Generation of pixel rejection maps.

- Exhaustive pixel rejection statistics console output.

- Optional generation of a 64-bit combined image.

Here is an example with 20 raw images of the M81/M82 region by Oriol Lehmkuhl and Ivette Rodr?guez:


Improved Tool: ATrousWaveletTransform

ATrousWaveletTransform (ATW for short) has been completely redesigned and reimplemented from scratch. This tool had not been revised seriously since its initial implementation in PixInsight LE. ATW is now the state-of-the-art tool that all PixInsight users deserve.

Everything has changed inside ATW, in fact, even if most changes are not directly visible to the user. One of the most important changes is the new deringing algorithm, which has been designed by Vicent Peris, our resident wavelets guru :)

ATW's deringing now works, works always, and works extremely well. Here's an example:

The original image:

A relatively strong bias applied to the second wavelet layer, no deringing:

Same bias, deringing enabled:

Note that there is no dark ringing at all. Similar results can be obtained consistently for all linear and nonlinear images. In this example, we have applied deringing to dark rings exclusively (dark Gibbs artifacts). Ringing can also be controlled for bright artifacts:

Original Lena image:

Strong bias applied to the second wavelet layer, no deringing:

Note the bright artifacts on the borders of bright-to-dark discontinuity transitions. For example, the bright ringing artifact on Lena's shoulder is conspicuous. These artifacts virtually disappear with the new deringing algorithm, as can be seen below.

Same bias, deringing applied to dark and bright artifacts:

Another important improvement in ATW is the new wavelets-based noise reduction algorithms. This is an example with a Leo Trio raw CCD image by PTeam members Oriol Lehmkuhl and Ivette Rodr?guez:

Raw RGB composite image, before noise reduction:

After multiscale noise reduction with ATW:

Take into account that the above noise reduction has been applied without a protection mask. Pay special attention to the preservation of star colors and subtle details on the main galaxy. Note also that this noise reduction can be applied to linear images, as in the above example. This is an extremely powerful noise reduction algorithm.

Core GUI Improvement: Enhanced Script Editor

The script editor includes now a nice line numbering feature, bookmarks and parenthesis matching:


Core GUI Improvement: Redesigned Explorer Windows

The right panel of the Process Explorer window has been redesigned to provide exhaustive information about the capabilities and parameters of each process. This information is intended to facilitate the work of developers on the PixInsight/PCL framework:


The Format Explorer and View Explorer windows have seen similar evolutions:


By the way, the above screenshot also shows the new file formats supported in PI 1.5: GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), ICO (Windows Icon Format) and MNG (Multiple Network Graphics). Note that GIF and MNG animations are not supported, and that the GIF and MNG format implementations provide read-only support.

New 64-bit Mac OS X Version

PixInsight 1.5 will be available as a 64-bit application for Mac OS X 10.5 and later. Breaking all memory barriers on the Mac!

Of course 32-bit and 64-bit versions will continue being available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.

Improved Compatibility with Linux Distributions

No more problems on all (modern) Linux distributions. PixInsight 1.5 runs out-of-the-box on the latest Red Hat, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE and Mandriva Linux distributions.



Como probablemente sab?is todos vosotros, estamos trabajando muy duro para terminar PixInsight 1.5. Esta nueva versi?n estaba inicialmente prevista para ser publicada en marzo. La mala noticia es que, pensando de forma realista, no creo que podamos publicarla antes de finales de abril; quiz? algo m?s tarde. La buena noticia es que este retraso obedece a un gran n?mero de nuevas herramientas y caracter?sticas. El resultado es que PixInsight 1.5 es una plataforma de procesasmiento de im?genes mucho m?s potente, vers?til y estable de lo que inicialmente estaba previsto. Este mensaje pretende ense?aros algunas de las nuevas herramientas y funciones que estamos preparando para que teng?is a?n m?s ganas de probar PixInsight 1.5 :)

Nueva Funci?n: Vistas Virtuales

PixInsight 1.5 introduce un nuevo y potente concepto: vistas virtuales. Una vista virtual es un objeto de la interfaz que se comporta como una vista real (una vista principal o una previsualizaci?n) en algunos aspectos fundamentales, aunque en realidad no sea una vista perteneciente a una ventana de imagen.

En la versi?n 1.5, la interfaz Real-Time Preview es capaz de funcionar como una vista virtual. Esto significa que cualquier herramienta de procesamiento puede trabajar con la imagen interna en tiempo real que est? siendo representada en pantalla, independientemente del proceso que posea la interfaz Real-Time Preview en un momento concreto.

S?, s? que la explicaci?n anterior suena algo confusa, as? que mejor pongamos un ejemplo:


Esta copia de pantalla muestra la interfaz Real-Time Preview controlada por la interfaz de CurvesTransformation. La imagen que se est? mostrando en tiempo real es el resultado de la curva en forma de S que se est? definiendo. Hasta ahora todo parece muy normal. Pero por favor mirad m?s atentamente a las interfaces de HistogramTransformation y Statistics. Espec?ficamente, prestad atenci?n al hecho de que la vista virtual RealTimePreview ha sido seleccionada en ambas herramientas.

De esta forma, los histogramas y datos estad?sticos que se est?n mostrando est?n siendo calculados en tiempo real para la imagen actual en Real-Time Preview. Tan pronto como movemos un punto de la curva, ocurre lo siguiente:

- La imagen de Real-Time Preview es generada para mostrar el resultado de la curva actual.

- Los histogramas de la imagen resultante en Real-Time Preview son recalculados y dibujados sobre la interfaz de HistogramTransformation. M?s a?n: una transformaci?n de histograma ha sido definida, y sus efectos son calculados y mostrados en el panel superior de HistogramTransformation.

- Las estad?sticas de la imagen resultante en Real-Time Preview son recalculadas y escritas en la interfaz de Statistics.

Y todo eso ocurre suavemente en tiempo real, utilizando todos los procesadores que haya disponibles. Os va a encantar esta funci?n 8)

Herramienta Mejorada: DynamicBackgroundExtraction

El proceso DBE puede aplicar ahora una correcci?n del fondo. Puede restar el modelo del fondo generado de la imagen destino, o dividir la imagen destino por el modelo. Opcionalmente, la resta o divisi?n puede preservar los valores medios del fondo existentes, o puede neutralizarlos (cuando el modelo del fondo es preciso, por supuesto). Aqu? tenemos una copia de pantalla:


Nueva Herramienta: BackgroundNeutralization

La nueva herramienta BackgroundNeutralization permite conseguir una fondo perfectamente neutro en s?lo un par de clics. Ya no es necesario utilizar PixelMath para llevar a cabo estas operaciones.

En el ejemplo siguiente:


tenemos una imagen DSLR de M17 (cortes?a de Vicent Peris y Jos? Luis Lamadrid) antes de la neutralizaci?n del fondo. Aunque el color general es bueno para el objeto principal, es obvio que el fondo tiene una fuerte dominante verde.

BackgroundNeutralization requiere una buena referencia del fondo. Una buena referencia del fondo incluye principalmente datos que realmente representan el fondo del cielo en la imagen. En este caso, la imagen tiene pocas zonas libres de cielo. Como v?is hemos usado el excelente script PreviewAggregator por David Serrano para recoger cinco ?reas del fondo en una ?nica imagen, que ha sido seleccionada para muestrear el fondo en la imagen.

Aqu? est? la misma imagen tras aplicar BackgroundNeutralization:


Como pod?is comprobar, hemos estado trabajando todo el tiempo con una imagen lineal.

Nueva Herramienta: ColorCalibration

Calibrar el color con precisi?n es ahora f?cil. Ya no son necesarios complejos procedimientos con PixelMath para llevar a cabo esta tarea: la herramienta ColorCalibration hace todo el trabajo sucio por vosotros, de forma r?pida y precisa.

Aqu? hay un ejemplo con la misma imagen de M17 utilizada anteriormente:


Despu?s de BackgroundNeutralization (que es un paso previo obligatorio para poder alcanzar precisi?n en la calibraci?n), la copia de pantalla anterior muestra c?mo la herramienta ColorCalibration est? siendo utilizada para calibrar la imagen mediante el muestreo de un alto n?mero de estrellas. Dos y nueve previsualizaciones han sido agregadas para utilizarlas, respectivamente, como referencias del fondo y el balance de blanco.

La idea b?sica tras este procedimiento es que cuando se muestrea un n?mero suficientemente grande de estrellas, el color promedio resultante deber?a ser una referencia de blanco plausible para corregir la imagen en conjunto. Para m?s informaci?n sobre este tema, ver esta discusi?n en el foro:


Esta discusi?n ha motivado la implementaci?n inmediate de esta herramienta, la cual estaba ya siendo dise?ada pero no estaba planificada para la versi?n 1.5.

Aqu? est? la imagen tras la calibraci?n de color:


Fijaos en que ColorCalibration puede generar una m?scara con los p?xeles empleados para calcular la referencia del blanco. Esta funci?n es ?til para adquirir un control m?s estrecho sobre el proceso.

El algoritmo para selecci?n de estructuras empleado para aislar las estrellas como referencias del blanco (o, m?s propiamente, estructuras de peque?a escala) es una adaptaci?n del algoritmo de detecci?n de estrellas que dise?? e implement? en la herramienta StarAlignment. Realmente funciona muy bien, como pod?is comprobar.

ColorCalibration tambi?n puede trabajar con una vista como la imagen de referencia del blanco. Esto es particularmente ?til para calibrar una imagen utilizando una galaxia cercana. La luz integrada de una galaxia cercana es una referencia de blanco plausible, puesto que contiene grandes muestras de todas las poblaciones estelares y su corrimiento hacia el rojo es despreciable. Este m?todo ha sido propuesto por el miembro del PTeam Vicent Peris, quien lo ha implementado para calibrar varias im?genes adquiridas con grandes telescopios. Seg?n Vicent, las galaxias ideales para calibraci?n deben tener las siguientes propiedades:

- M?s cercanas que 50 mpc

- Clasificaci?n de Hubble Sa, Sb, Sc, Scd, SBa, SBb, SBc o SBcd

- Inclinaci?n menor que 60 grados

- Enrojecimiento intr?nseco intergal?ctico y gal?ctico integrado menor que 0.5 magnitudes en Johnson B

Aqu? hay un ejemplo con la imagen de NGC7331 de Vicent, tomada con el telescopio de 3.5 metros de Calar Alto:

Imagen compuesta RGB antes de la calibraci?n:

Tras BackgroundNeutralization:

Tras ColorCalibration:

Nueva Herramienta: ImageIntegration

La versi?n 1.5 viene con una primera versi?n de la herramienta ImageIntegration. Esta herramienta lleva a cabo la combinaci?n de un n?mero ilimitado de archivos FITS en una ?nica imagen integrada (stacked). ImageIntegration es una herramienta de altas prestaciones con las siguientes caracter?sticas principales:

- Operaciones de combinaci?n de im?genes: media, mediana, m?nimo y m?ximo.

- Algoritmos de rechazo de p?xeles: k-Sigma clipping, percentile clipping, min/max, CCD-clip y average sigma clipping.

- Escalado y normalizaci?n autom?tica de im?genes, definibles separadamente para la combinaci?n de im?genes y el rechazo de p?xeles.

- Generaci?n de mapas de rechazo de p?xeles.

- Salida por consola de estad?sticas exhaustivas de rechazo de p?xeles.

- Generaci?n opcional de una imagen integrada de 64 bits.

Aqu? ten?is una ejemplo con 20 im?genes raw de la regi?n de M81/M82 por Oriol Lehmkuhl e Ivette Rodr?guez:


Herramienta Mejorada: ATrousWaveletTransform

ATrousWaveletTransform (ATW para abreviar) ha sido completamente redise?ada y reimplementada partiendo de cero. Esta herramienta no hab?a sido revisada seriamente desde su implementaci?n incial en PixInsight LE. ATW es ahora una herramienta representativa del estado del arte en procesamiento por wavelets, como todos los usuarios de PixInsight merecen.

Todo ha cambiado dentro de ATW, aunque la mayor parte de los cambios no son visibles directamente por el usuario. Uno de los cambios m?s importantes el el nuevo algoritmo de deringing, que ha sido dise?ado por Vicent Peris, nuestro gur? de wavelets residente :)

El nuevo deringing de ATW funciona, funciona siempre, y funciona extremadamente bien. Aqu? tenemos un ejemplo:

La imagen original:

Un bias relativamente fuerte aplicado a la segunda capa de wavelets, sin deringing:

Mismo bias, con deringing:

Notad que no hay artefactos oscuros de ringing en absoluto. Se puede obtener resultados similares de forma consistente para todas las im?genes lineales y no lineales. En este ejemplo, hemos aplicado deringing a los anillos oscuros exclusivamente (artefactos oscuros de Gibbs). El ringing se puede controlar tambi?n para artefactos brillantes:

Imagen original de Lena:

Fuerte bias aplicado a la segunda capa de wavelets, sin deringing:

Hay artefactos brillantes en los bordes de todas las transiciones brillante-oscuro de discontinuidad. Por ejemplo, el artefacto brillante de ringing en el hombro de Lena es muy evidente. Estos artefactos virtualmente desaparecen con el nuevo algoritmo de deringing, como se puede ver a continuaci?n.

Mismo bias, deringing aplicado a artefactos oscuros y brillantes:

Otra mejora importante en ATW es el nuevo algoritmo de reducci?n de ruido basado en wavelets. Esto es un ejemplo con una imagen CCD del tr?o de leo obtenida por los miembros del PTeam Oriol Lehmkuhl e Ivette Rodr?guez:

Imagen raw compuesta RGB, antes de la reducci?n de ruido:

Tras reducci?n de ruido multiescala con ATW:

Tened en cuenta que la reducci?n de ruido anterior se ha aplicado sin m?scara de protecci?n alguna. Prestad atenci?n a la conservaci?n de los colores estelares y de los sutiles detalles en el interior de la galaxia principal. Notad tambi?n que esta reducci?n de ruido se puede aplicar a im?genes lineales, como en el ejemplo anterior. Se trata de un algoritmo de reducci?n de ruido extremadamente potente.

Mejora en la Interfaz Gr?fica: Script Editor Mejorado

El editor de scripts incluye ahora una bonita funci?n de numeraci?n autom?tica de l?neas, marcadores de texto y emparejamiento de par?ntesis:


Mejora en la Interfaz Gr?fica: Ventanas de Exploraci?n Redise?adas

El panel derecho de la ventana Process Explorer ha sido redise?ado para proporcionar informaci?n exhaustiva sobre las capacidades y los par?metros de cada proceso. Esta informaci?n est? orientada a facilitar el trabajo de desarrolladores en el entorno PixInsight/PCL:


Las ventanas Format Explorer y View Explorer han visto evoluciones similares:


Por cierto, las copias de pantalla anteriores tambi?n muestran los nuevos formatos de archivo soportados en PI 1.5: GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), ICO (Windows Icon Format) y MNG (Multiple Network Graphics). Notad que las animaciones GIF y MNG no est?n soportadas, y que la implementaci?n de los formatos GIF y MNG proporcionan ?nicamente soporte de s?lo lectura.

Nueva versi?n de 64 bits para Mac OS X

PixInsight 1.5 estar? disponible como una aplicaci?n de 64 bits para Mac OS X 10.5 y posterior. ?Rompemos todas las barreras de memoria en el Mac!

Por supuesto, las versiones de 32 y 64 bits seguir?n estando disponibles para Linux, Windows y Mac OS X.

Compatibilidad Mejorada con Distribuciones de Linux

No m?s problemas en todas las (modernas) distribuciones de Linux. PixInsight 1.5 funciona directamente en on las ?ltimas versiones de Red Hat, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE y Mandriva.
Can I just say ... wow! This is so cool!

[quote author="Juan Conejero"]New Tool: ImageIntegration

Version 1.5 comes with a first version of the ImageIntegration tool.[/quote]
Any plans to integrate the HDRComposition script with this at some point?

Como sugerencia por ejemplo para ATW, cuando tenemos que aplicar los mismos parametros a varias capas, se podr?a seelcionar de una sola vez las que queramos y aplicar el valor a todas, ya que es tedioso el tener que ir capa a capa introduciendo los mismos valores.
Hi Juan,

I think most of us who use on a regular basis the PI program , will be delighted by the new options and algorithm improvements. Way to go guys!! Congratulations!
The color correction and background calibration tools were needed badly :). Nice touch with those !!

Now, I will like to know if the ImageIntegration tools will take into account darks/bias/flats or it's just a stacking tool without prior calibration of the image ?
I just hope one day that PI will be a full processing astro software :))

And second of all...I think plenty of astroimagers are using modded DSLR like Canon/Nikon and find color correction a PIA (at least I'm hoping I'm not the only one who stumbles on that regularly :))) )...PixInsight's color correction tool is intended to be used for that with success also?
I find it the missing step between DBE and histogram adjustment after PixelMath was used to subtract background!

Can't wait to test many of these new functions.
I was just going to suggest a method to discover and map hot pixels so they can be eliminated (those pesky ones that do not appear when making dark frames but appear on light frames) and the ImageIntegration tool might just do this for me.

Looks very good!
Great work!
Fantastic. I can't way. Well, in fact I can wait, please take your time to make it solid.

The only annoyance I see is the disappearance of the informal textual information for the processes. In the absence of a comprehensive documentation, it was sometime the only conveniently reachable information, even if lacking in some cases.

Is there another way to access this information? May there could be a configurable target for a help function (configurable base url with the help target as a parameter), so this could point to a wiki or some other source of text, if somebody feels like creating/maintaining one. Or to some local files if somebody takes local notes.

I understand your are very busy with the development, and video tutorials are greats, but I sometime need a reminder on the general goal and way of working of a function, not just the details of the parameters. Having a configurable target for help could allow other people to contribute to this effort, hopefully without too much coding effort.

Just an idea,
Hope skies are cloudy, so you can work on PI :)

Now I am really annoyed! :evil:

These tools answer so many of my processing problems that I will now have to go back and reprocess 2 years worth of images from scratch!!! :D

The improved DBE, BackgroundNeutralization and the ColourCorrection tools combined with the preview aggregator are things that will make life soooo much better! I can't wait to try them out. PI just gets better and better.

Thank you Juan and the other PI guys.....keep up the good work.
[quote author="Juan Conejero"]So the histogram and statistical data being shown are being calculated in real-time for the current Real-Time Preview image.[/quote]

Great!! In fact, I've missed something like this a couple of times.

[quote author="Juan Conejero"]BackgroundNeutralization requires a good background reference. A good background reference includes mainly data that actually represents the sky background in the image. In this case, the image has few free sky background regions. Note that we have used the excellent PreviewAggregator script by David Serrano to gather five background areas into a single image, which we have selected to sample the background in the image.[/quote]

Glad to see the script is useful 8). But I have one question: I bet that aggregated image is pure black in at least half its area. Doesn't that alter the BackgroundNeutralization's work?

[quote author="catalinfus"]Now, I will like to know if the ImageIntegration tools will take into account darks/bias/flats or it's just a stacking tool without prior calibration of the image ?[/quote]

I think it's just a plain stacking tool. I have a couple of ideas towards darks/bias/flats/darkflats calibration via JS scripting, and this new tool brings them closer to the outside world. I'll wait for 1.5 to be released and will explore some other features, namely the possibility to access the desktop background and icons, that Juan anticipated here.

[quote author="simonhicks"]Now I am really annoyed! :evil:

These tools answer so many of my processing problems that I will now have to go back and reprocess 2 years worth of images from scratch!!! :D


Same here! :evil:

Nice work! Can't wait to have it.

Hi Thorsten,

Version 1.5 comes with a first version of the ImageIntegration tool.
Any plans to integrate the HDRComposition script with this at some point?

HDRComposition is now being implemented as an independent PixInsight module written in C++. It won't be included with 1.5 though, but as soon as it becomes available, we'll distribute an update to all users.
Hi Catalin,

Thanks! :)

I will like to know if the ImageIntegration tools will take into account darks/bias/flats or it's just a stacking tool without prior calibration of the image ?

ImageIntegration is just what its name says: an image combination (AKA stacking) tool. Our philosophy is usually to provide each processing technique or process as an independent tool. This is for the sake of modularity, which is one of PixInsight's fundamental design principles. There are tools that collate diverse and complex tasks, but they are always in direct connection with a main subject (example: ATrousWaveletTransform).

Image calibration deserves the design and implementation of a specific tool, or better a category with a comprehensive tool set. This is not an easy task, as most people thinks. Calibration involves some difficult problems and is critical to the quality of images. We won't publish a calibration tool until we are sure to offer a minimally significant contribution to existing software. This is our way of doing things.

I just hope one day that PI will be a full processing astro software :))

Me too, indeed :) We now have image registration and integration. Only image calibration is between the current state and a reasonably complete solution for astrophotography.

We lack image analysis tools, and a good set of photometric and astrometric analysis tools. The road is long and there are few fuel stations, but our truck is big and we go for the fun ;)

I think plenty of astroimagers are using modded DSLR like Canon/Nikon and find color correction a PIA (at least I'm hoping I'm not the only one who stumbles on that regularly :))) )...PixInsight's color correction tool is intended to be used for that with success also?

Definitely yes! Of course fixing those red-casted beasts isn't the easiest task, but I don't see why the BackgroundNeutralization/ColorCalibration combo can't do an excellent job, if things are done carefully and accurately.
Hi Philip,

Thank you!

I was just going to suggest a method to discover and map hot pixels so they can be eliminated (those pesky ones that do not appear when making dark frames but appear on light frames) and the ImageIntegration tool might just do this for me.

Yes, if you have a good set of light frames, I think sigma-clipping or percentile clipping rejection (the latter is wonderful when you only have a few images) can remove those annoying hot pixels very well. As we have implemented generation of rejection maps, you can obtain a hot pixel map very easily. I'll love to see how this works with your images, when we release 1.5.
Impresive. I think we can wait until end of April, even later, to get the new version.

An script to avoid stacking externally to PI should be quite simple using scripts features and the new ImageIntegration function. For sure somebody is going to be working on that.

Thanks Juan !. JLuis.
Hi Bitli,

Fantastic. I can't way. Well, in fact I can wait, please take your time to make it solid.

Thanks! Be sure it will be rock-solid ;)

The only annoyance I see is the disappearance of the informal textual information for the processes. In the absence of a comprehensive documentation, it was sometime the only conveniently reachable information, even if lacking in some cases.

It hasn't disappeared at all, actually :) Oops! I just forgot to include a screenshot showing how to access process descriptions. Here's is one:


Processes that provide non-empty descriptions generate a special description tag link on Process Explorer. When you double-click the link, a window pops up showing the information text, as before. The only thing that has changed is the way to access the information, but it's still there :) If I only had time enough as to sit and write good descriptions for all processes...

Note also that all new tools, and many old ones, have now a lot of tool-tip information text that should help to understand most process parameters.

Having a configurable target for help could allow other people to contribute to this effort, hopefully without too much coding effort.

Of course this is an excellent idea. I am open to know how I can facilitate that kind of contributions (a wiki would be really great IMO), which are extremely welcome :) I'll think on a way to implement what you suggest.

By the way, I forgot to say you thanks for your list of keyboard shortcuts. I should have published it :)oops:) but you anticipated. Well done and thanks! ;)

Hope skies are cloudy, so you can work on PI :)

Oh, actually, you don't have to worry about that: I work on PI even during the clearest new moon nights, I must confess... It's years now since my last imaging night. But I'm very very happy each time I see your beautiful images ;)
[quote author="catalinfus"]And second of all...I think plenty of astroimagers are using modded DSLR like Canon/Nikon and find color correction a PIA (at least I'm hoping I'm not the only one who stumbles on that regularly :))) )...PixInsight's color correction tool is intended to be used for that with success also?[/quote]


yes, without doubt ColorCalibration will do the same work as in the NGC7331 image for DSLR images. In fact, for the same object, there is no reason for thinking that a CCD image will be better calibrated than a DSLR one. I will upload some example with one of my DSLR images...

Hey David,

Glad to see the script is useful 8). But I have one question: I bet that aggregated image is pure black in at least half its area. Doesn't that alter the BackgroundNeutralization's work?

It is indeed *very* useful as a gatherer of subimages :)

Black pixels are automatically rejected (ignored, actually) by both BackgroundNeutralization and ColorCalibration, so there's no problem at all with them ;)

I'll wait for 1.5 to be released and will explore some other features, namely the possibility to access the desktop background and icons, that Juan anticipated

Keep your fingers warm, you'll have these things ready for testing in a few days ;)
Hi Juan

Good to see some much needed tools and look forward to being able to use it!

When you have finished ver 1.5 I am sure we can come up with a list for 1.6

Regards Harry
[quote author="vicent_peris"]

yes, without doubt ColorCalibration will do the same work as in the NGC7331 image for DSLR images. In fact, for the same object, there is no reason for thinking that a CCD image will be better calibrated than a DSLR one. I will upload some example with one of my DSLR images...


Hola Vicent:

?Ser? un problema el hecho que relato en
En esencia las im?genes apiladas con DSS pueden tener los m?ximos en los alrededores de 0.996, cada canal con valores ligeramente distintos, y no en 1.00000.
