Perform BackgroundNeutralization seperate from SPCC


Well-known member
Hi guys,

as I had some trouble to find a region with pure background in some of my images, I would like to perform background neutralization separate from SPCC. My approach was to do it manually using PixelMath with measured offsets from the R and B channel relative to the G channel, and then apply SPCC with BackgroundNeutralization unchecked. The image that was generated this way had a strong pink color cast.

Is there any way to perform SPCC with manual Background neutralization using another method?

CS Gerrit
Well, I figured it out myself. Sometimes RTFM carefully is even more helpful than RTFM ;)

It works to first perform SPCC without BackgroundNeutralization, and then a manual BackgroundNeutralization after that. See section 4.8 of the documentation of SPCC.

CS Gerrit