JavaScript Documentation


Hi all, I just want to know are there any JavaScript Docuentation for PixInsight Javascript development?
I looked into PJSR document and PCL document, but it only helps a little, because the name of methods and properties are different, I have to guess the right name or check the usage in other PixInsight scripts. That's too struggling, can anybody help me with this issue? Thanks!
I have searched everywhere...can't find a thing that does more than list methods and constants. No hint as to what they do or mean. I used the "other-peoples' scripts" method, but it is not that useful as the entire breadth of the tools used is sparse, and not explained. It is truly unfortunate. I'd love to do more and contribute to the common good, but it's way too complicated and tiresome to do trial-and-error. And when I finish a tool, it's probably so full of misconceptions and circular code it would be embarrassing to publish it.