How to make a slideshow?


I wonder if it is possible to use Pixinsight to display one or several images, full frame and full screen, ie with a zoom factor which in general is not 1, 1/2, 2...
Just for enjoying good pictures on screen!
Perhaps there is already a way to do this, I have not found it.

Hi Phillipe,
The Process Blink allows you to load a group of images and let them be displayed with maximal
5 second or less duration per image.
All images must have the same pixel dimensions!
If you want to have them in a spezial zoom factor size you have to
resample them before and than load the resampled ones into Blink.
I have no idea how to display them in "real" fullscreen.
Seems somewhat of an 'overuse' of PI for that application, like using a hammer to swat a fly. To just enjoy good pictures on screen, I'd recommend Irfanview; it's free, not processor intensive, opens pretty much any file type you throw at it, and will do -exactly- what you want. If you already have Lightroom you can use that...but seriously, check out Irfanview.