EZ Processing Suite DeCon


This is a very specific (and embarrassing) question regarding the relatively new EZ Processing Suite DeCon script. The script runs fine on my masters but when it is finished, it produces two results, e.g. "Gray 1:6 _ez_5_OIII_DBE_org | <*new*>" and "Gray 1:6 _ez_5_OIII_DBE | 5. OIII_DBE.xisf" So, which of those is the result of the DeCon process/script?

Unfortunately, I cannot actually see much difference between them, but I assumed the "final" image would be the one with <*new>* in the title.
I would also appreciate your opinion on using these EZ scripts, compared to doing it step by step in Pix.
Please help
"org" means "original" -- it's a copy of "before" for you to compare.

I've never gotten a reasonable decon run so I won't address the other aspect. :(