Dynamic Crop Before Curves?


Active member
Hello, please excuse my newbie question that follows. I have been using PI on nebula since I started AP in January and have had a modicum of success given the steep learning curve of PI and my age (76). Now that we are in "galaxy season," I have found it difficult to use Curves to bring out a color or saturation with a mask. A preview of a zoomed-in galaxy always defaults to the real size in the preview. So, can I do a dynamic crop and then remove stars, create masks and then use curves to be able to work on an image that is larger? If not, how else can you see the effect of curves on an image that is too small to see without zooming in?
you can make a preview over the galaxy and then switch the RT viewer to that preview.

no need to crop the image...
just to be clear though, if the main tab of the image is selected when you apply Curves with the square, it's going to apply to the whole image even if the preview is selected in the RT viewer. if you click on the tab belonging to the preview on the image, you can zoom in as Gerrit has said. but you can also just zoom in on your mail image.

just be careful that if you want to apply curves again that you reselect the main tab of the image, or else the next time you apply curves, it will apply to the preview. when you apply a process to a preview, the effect is temporary on that preview and won't "stick". there's only one level of undo for a preview as well.
