DrizzleIntegration Example

Juan Conejero

PixInsight Staff
Staff member
Hi all,

The new DrizzleIntegration tool is almost ready for release. Just wanted to share with you the result of a test I've just run:

To the left, a normal integration of 47 undersampled wide-field images. To the right, the same images drizzled 2x with the new tool. Draw your own conclusions. This tool will be released in a few days.
There are clear improvements in the star shapes and contrast, but is the background somewhat noisier? This is just a visual impression. Really looking forward to the release.
Not sure what Juan implemented, but at least for classical drizzle there is a penalty of increased noise for improved resolution. On a per pixel basis, fewer subs contribute so per pixel SNR is lower. Another way to think about it is that the rejection ratio is higher. The resolution/noise tradeoff is fundamental.
mschuster said:
Not sure what Juan implemented, but at least for classical drizzle there is a penalty of increased noise for improved resolution. On a per pixel basis, fewer subs contribute so per pixel SNR is lower. Another way to think about it is that the rejection ratio is higher. The resolution/noise tradeoff is fundamental.

TGVDenoise to the rescue, eh?