Display names/labels for process icons...


I have been testing out PI and I am very impressed by it. I like to have organized workspaces. I know that process icons have the icon identifiers, but the naming rules for the icon identifiers can be limiting (no white space, can't begin with a number, no special characters). I understand why the icon identifiers likely have the limitations on their naming conventions.

I'd like to suggest adding a data member to the class/container for the process icon that is a string that stores the label/display name of the process icon. There is no need to touch or change the icon identifier at all. The label/display name data member would allow people to use strings to make things easier to read/follow in the workspace (e.g. "01a. Image Integration < 10 Frames", "05d. Debayer GBRG", etc.). The label/display name string could be initialized with the icon identifier when the process icon is instantiated. After that the user can change the label/display name by right clicking on it and selecting an appropriate command.
