Command line tool to read FITSHeaders from XISF file


Astropy has a fitsheader tool to read fits file and find a specific FITSKeyword. Is there a similar tool for XISF?

My specific need is to rummage through the "Approved" files from SubframeSelector and find the highest weighted file.
Have a look at this post. It might be what you are looking for.

The Series analysis report of the Blink process can be used as well for the output of selected FITS keyword and their values. The output will be written to the Process Console, and optionally also to a text file.

You can use the lskwd command from Process Console to get a list of all FITS keywords in the active image written to the console. If desired, you can copy the text from the console and paste in any plain text editor, such as our Script Editor.