ChannelCombination- Cannot Execute


Well-known member
After gradient removal I’m trying to combine the RGB files and I’m getting the following error.

Cannot execute instance on view: masterLight_Binning_1_Filter_Green_Exptime_10_integration_DBE
Reason: ChannelCombination can only be executed on RBC color images.

What am I doing incorrectly?

I assume (guess) you have done gradient removal separately on the R,G,B channels, and now want to recombine them. If you select the three files in the ChannelCombination process, then execute global (blue circle), a new combined RGB image will be formed. I think you probably tried to execute CC on one of the greyscale single channel images.
I think you probably tried to execute CC on one of the greyscale single channel images.

just to add to this, it means you pressed the square button on the ChannelCombination interface instead of the round one. the square button on any process applies the process to the currently foregrounded view.

Thanks, folks. Two things - yes I pressed the square button instead of the Global one. The other problem that I discovered was that the Green filter file was a mismatch in its DynamicCrop dimensions. I went back to that process and changed the dimensions to match the others and CC worked.
