i recently fitted my TMB92SS with an orion flattener based on the experience of another user. the field is pretty flat - much flatter than i was ever able to achieve with the TRF-2008 0.8x reducer.
i thought it would be a good time to try Mike Schuster's WavefrontEstimator script. wow - this script is amazing. really nice work.
the analysis might be garbage in/garbage out, because as you can see from the defocused star image, there are some diffraction patterns that don't belong there. the dimmer one closer to the center turned out to be some crap suspended from a spiderweb crossing the aperture, but even though everything is all cleaned up, the stronger of the two diffraction pattern remains. the only thing i can think of that could be impinging on the light cone is the OAG in my filter wheel, but somehow i didn't expect that to manifest itself as such a "point" diffaction source. looking down the OTA i don't see anything sticking into the path of light. anyone have any ideas what this might be?
i wish i had realized the script handled scopes with a central obstruction - i would have tested my AT6RC+TRF-2008 before i replaced it with the TMB92.
[2016-06-27 21:57:55] Point spread function estimation:
[2016-06-27 21:58:00] Strehl ratio: 0.815
[2016-06-27 21:58:00] Strehl diameter: 4.07 ?m, 1.66 arcsec
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Aberration estimation:
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z5 (2, -2) Primary astigmatism oblique: 13.2 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z6 (2, 2) Primary astigmatism vertical: -8.8 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z7 (3, -1) Primary coma vertical: 2.4 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z8 (3, 1) Primary coma horizontal: -3.4 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z9 (3, -3) Primary trefoil vertical: -1.2 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z10 (3, 3) Primary trefoil oblique: -1.1 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z11 (4, 0) Primary spherical: -30.9 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z12 (4, 2) Secondary astigmatism vertical: 0.4 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z13 (4, -2) Secondary astigmatism oblique: -3.4 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z14 (4, 4) Primary tetrafoil vertical: -3.6 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z15 (4, -4) Primary tetrafoil oblique: -1.7 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z16 (5, 1) Secondary coma horizontal: -0.6 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z17 (5, -1) Secondary coma vertical: 0.1 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z18 (5, 3) Secondary trefoil oblique: 0.2 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z19 (5, -3) Secondary trefoil vertical: 0.9 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z20 (5, 5) Primary pentafoil oblique: -0.6 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z21 (5, -5) Primary pentafoil vertical: -1.2 nm RMS
[2016-06-27 21:57:50] Z22 (6, 0) Secondary spherical: -13.2 nm RMS
FSQ it is not, but given the modest price i suppose it's not horrible.