Author Topic: New astrophotography book majoring on PixInsight  (Read 2908 times)

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New astrophotography book majoring on PixInsight
« on: 2016 June 22 03:59:01 »
Dear all.  Last year I published The Astrophotography Manual by Focal Press.  During the initial market tests, several reviewers identified the need for PixInsight tuition. It was an unknown quantity for me at the time and I embarked on a major learning curve over the next few years, helped in no small way by Harry and others on this forum, for which I am very grateful.

This is a complete book on Astrophotography, with over 100 pages on image processing. There are specific chapters introducing PixInsight and its approach and it includes several case studies aimed at different image types. Each has a detailed workflow and most use PixInsight exclusively. In each case study some of the specific tools are highlighted and explained in detail - both why and how.

The online reviews have been very appreciative of the PI content and several have asked me to write a complete manual. I prefer to write it in context to a targeted practical imaging example. I think that makes it easier to read and more enjoyable to write too. I am planning a second edition in which the PI sections are expanded further and make it even more accessible to the uninitiated. It will take a few years yet. Book writing by the way is a labor of love (well below the minimum wage) - but it is a great way to learn! Enjoy.

The accompanying website is at

(BTW I checked with Juan before posting this.)
« Last Edit: 2016 June 22 06:33:07 by Buzz »

Offline Geoff

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Re: New astrophotography book majoring on PixInsight
« Reply #1 on: 2016 June 22 05:55:46 »
I enjoyed reading your book Chris. An expanded emphasis on PixInsight is agood idea.
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Re: New astrophotography book majoring on PixInsight
« Reply #2 on: 2016 June 28 08:33:12 »
By complete circumstance a friend bought me the book on Amazon and it arrived yesterday....  I have a new Mach-1 mount that was not guiding right *after spending $$$$$$$$$$$$).  So I went to the section on guiding and you have very logical flow diagrams etc etc...  In any case I thought I better follow the basics diagrams and the first thing was polar alignment.  Well, with my new razle dazzle mount I had it perfectly aligned with PEMPro's super software- what could go wrong? 

Well, I ran the software again and the AZ was off almost a degree!  DEC was perfect.  Well, I have learned I can torque down the AZ screws.....  I did so and it guided all night at < 0.1px errors in both directions...

I did look at the PixInsight section while waiting for it to get dark and I think this is just about right for my level of making errors...

Nice work and will try to post this on Amazon....

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Offline Warhen

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Re: New astrophotography book majoring on PixInsight
« Reply #3 on: 2016 November 22 09:05:57 »
Chris, I've seen some of the online samples- the book looks great! Congrats and good luck.
Best always, Warren

Warren A. Keller