Author Topic: Inside PixInsight the Book  (Read 16952 times)

Offline Warhen

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Inside PixInsight the Book
« on: 2016 June 09 06:48:40 »
Hi PI friends, As many of you know, 'Inside PixInsight' the book is scheduled to be published on 7-13-16. While the softcover version is available for pre-order from Amazon-
and Springer-,
Springer also offers an electronic version. If however, you'd prefer a personally inscribed physical softcover, you can pre-order a copy directly from us-
I certainly owe Juan and Carlos a copy with thanks! Thanks very much for your interest and support!
« Last Edit: 2016 September 13 05:54:46 by Warhen »
Best always, Warren

Warren A. Keller

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Re: Inside PixInsight the Book
« Reply #1 on: 2016 September 13 05:53:35 »
Hello friends, As of today, I noted that Springer's website now lists October 11 as the new published date. However, their head of production stated to me "Dear Warren, I am sorry that your book had book had gone to the printer later than scheduled.  It went to the printer on Sept. 9th. I noticed that the eBook is already posted on our SpringerLink website but possibly will not be available for purchasing until the printed book publishes. I do not believe that the publication due date of Oct. 11 is accurate.  I expect it to publish the end of September at the latest (and pre-orders fulfilled by then), and the eBook should be available for purchasing by then, or possibly earlier. Best regards, Jeff"

As I'll be in China until November 1, those of you kind enough to have ordered an inscribed copy directly from us, won't receive it until after I return unless I receive them before I leave. So sorry for these delays on Springer's part! Those of you interested in the e version should have it available much sooner. :<( Soon, soon...
« Last Edit: 2016 September 13 12:33:37 by Warhen »
Best always, Warren

Warren A. Keller

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Re: Inside PixInsight the Book
« Reply #2 on: 2016 September 14 08:02:35 »
E Book version is available! Softcover has moved from pre-order to order status!
Best always, Warren

Warren A. Keller

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Re: Inside PixInsight the Book
« Reply #3 on: 2016 September 14 08:32:12 »
Thanks Warren. Just picked up the E-book. Format look fine!


Offline Warhen

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Re: Inside PixInsight the Book
« Reply #4 on: 2016 September 15 08:03:47 »
Thank you Mike!
Best always, Warren

Warren A. Keller

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Just bought it from Amazon for Kindle
« Reply #5 on: 2016 September 15 13:34:48 »
Just picked it up from Amazon.... seems to look good so far.

I will say I generally don't buy Kindle books that cost the same as the print book... I mean, after all, you don't have to print it, ship it, warehouse it, etc.  So it seems it should be a little cheaper.  I hope you get a higher royalty for a e-book as publisher has very little costs as compared to print books.

Offline jkmorse

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Re: Inside PixInsight the Book
« Reply #6 on: 2016 September 16 11:39:31 »

Bought Kindle edition and going through it.  Only formatting issue I am seeing is that there are often spaces between the end of a sentence and the period that follows, but at most a minor annoyance.  Otherwise excellent work!  Even though I have been putting out my workbook for 41 revisions now, you are teaching me several new techniques and that is always welcome.  Also, I wanted to compliment you on your focus on what's important, namely a laser beam focus on PI without the effort to "pad" the book with stuff on how to choose CCD's for example and the rest you see in more general treatments.  The only exception I have seen so far, and its an inclusion I heartily endorse, is your discussion of the benefits of dithering, which every imager should master early on.

With this out there, I seriously don't think my workbook will make it to Rev 42.


Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

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Offline pfile

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Re: Inside PixInsight the Book
« Reply #7 on: 2016 September 16 12:12:03 »
why does springer organize their books as though they were conference proceedings? kinda funny that each and every chapter is marked with warren's name and location.

anyway i hope that this book ends all the bitching about no documentation, because it's very thorough and a clear guide to using PI.


Offline Geoff

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Re: Inside PixInsight the Book
« Reply #8 on: 2016 September 16 16:17:50 »

anyway i hope that this book ends all the bitching about no documentation, because it's very thorough and a clear guide to using PI.

I think not. It won't be long before the "why do I have to pay for documentation on top of paying for the software?" comment occurs.
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Offline ChoJin

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Re: Inside PixInsight the Book
« Reply #9 on: 2016 September 16 17:00:46 »
to be honest that's a valid comment in general. But documentation and guides/books are not supposed to be the same.

Offline dzso.bacsi

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Re: Inside PixInsight the Book
« Reply #10 on: 2016 September 17 05:22:08 »

With this out there, I seriously don't think my workbook will make it to Rev 42.




don't even think about it  >:(  ;).
Your workbook was and is a most regarded help to a lot of us after the initial Harry's pages and Kayron Mercieca excellent examples.
And think again: just with what speed a book is going to be not up-to-date and slowly obsolete with the next 12-24 months developments, version changes, etc.?
Please, as long as it doesn't take unbearable time and efforts, don't give it up.
Any way you will decide, a BIG thank you for all your efforts!


Offline Warhen

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Re: Inside PixInsight the Book
« Reply #11 on: 2016 September 19 13:37:22 »
I am SO pleased at the positive reviews this far- thank you! No doubt you'll find things here and there that could have been better, but again- given my objective, a clear and concise general guide to general processing of 'pretty pictures' with PI, I couldn't be more pleased by your comments. Thanks for taking the time to make them! It was a long haul!

Frank Kloer wrote me privately today "I purchased the E pub version of your Inside PixInsight book. I noticed that the hyperlinks to chapters within the book point to URL, which is the Springer website. I have Acrobat Pro that I use at work so I am going to correct them as I come across. If you'd like I can send you a copy when I get done." Frank, thanks for drawing my attention to this!

The reply from Springer's production head Jeff Taub says "Hi Warren, Thank you bringing this linking issue to our attention. The chapter links should be connected to the chapter inside the book instead on an external webpage.  I will have this corrected. Best regards, Jeff."

This should be rectified soon- apologies! Springer has thrown me more than a few curve balls along the way!
Best always, Warren

Warren A. Keller

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Re: Inside PixInsight the Book
« Reply #12 on: 2016 September 19 14:30:59 »
maybe you have already gotten corrections from people but i noticed a few small issues and one kinda confusing one. is there an official place to submit corrections?


Offline Geoff

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Re: Inside PixInsight the Book
« Reply #13 on: 2016 September 19 14:47:14 »
maybe you have already gotten corrections from people but i noticed a few small issues and one kinda confusing one. is there an official place to submit corrections?

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Offline jkmorse

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Re: Inside PixInsight the Book
« Reply #14 on: 2016 September 20 09:31:51 »
don't even think about it  >:(  ;).
Your workbook was and is a most regarded help to a lot of us after the initial Harry's pages and Kayron Mercieca excellent examples.
And think again: just with what speed a book is going to be not up-to-date and slowly obsolete with the next 12-24 months developments, version changes, etc.?
Please, as long as it doesn't take unbearable time and efforts, don't give it up.

Thanks for the kind words and I was thinking the same thing about needing continuing updates when I was playing with HDRCombination to fix some blooming that I get with my NABG SBIG 6303E and found a whole bunch of new settings that I had to find with trial and error to get it right.  We never stop learning with this great toolkit so I'll keep updating as I go along.

It helps that I am only 88 days from retirement  :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: 8)


Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

New Mexico Skies Observatory
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