This is fantastic news! I ultimately would like to have this feature extended with live stacking of integrated subs, kind of a "continuous BPP". This would allow one to see the results of their data capture live.
I have the new INDI tools running on OSX with the INDI server. I am using simulators. It "just works" as far as I can tell.
Some thoughts:
- Have a way to have the client (PI) save the file itself in addition to displaying it.
It works in current version: you can change "Upload Mode:" in frame INDI CCD Controller.
Changing the upload mode to "server" causes the subs to be saved on the system running the server, no?
What I mean is that when PixInsight gets the file, it would be good if it can be configured to also save the file.
INDIClient Module has three "Upload mode:"
1. Upload to client only
2. Upload to INDI server only
3. Upload both: Client and server
INDIClient Module is one from
INDI clients. You can use many INDI cliens with one INDI server.
"Server" means minicomputer/laptot/desktop with installed indiserver and indi_drivers for astro hardware.
Look at my screenshot about last 3rd mode.