Author Topic: Blink as Process Instance?  (Read 2139 times)

Offline rfrancis

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Blink as Process Instance?
« on: 2016 April 17 16:24:02 »
I have recently discovered (actually more like somebody suggested it to me) the Blink tool (there's so much available in PixInsight!), and I find it great.

There's something I haven't figured out though. Is it possible to store an instance as a process icon, so that I can apply it to an image container? I think the answer may be no, but who knows?


Offline pfile

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Re: Blink as Process Instance?
« Reply #1 on: 2016 April 17 17:22:55 »
i think the answer is no - i actually wanted to create an .xpsm using a script for automatically generating lists of flats to blink, but as far as i can tell it's not possible.

is it that you want to winnow frames with blink and then include only those frames in an ImageContainer?


Offline rfrancis

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Re: Blink as Process Instance?
« Reply #2 on: 2016 April 18 05:36:15 »
is it that you want to winnow frames with blink and then include only those frames in an ImageContainer?

No. I'm trying to automate as far as possible the processing of a night's worth of all-sky camera (Oculus) images into a movie. I can put the images into an image container and the processing steps into a process container. However, the last step means loading all the resulting files into Blink. Clearly it works so no big problem.
