Author Topic: BPP FITS header question  (Read 3267 times)

Offline tloebl

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BPP FITS header question
« on: 2016 March 09 06:57:55 »

Could someone point me to specifications for the required FITS header entry for BPP to be able to identify each bias, dark, flat, and filtered image so that BPP  can properly process the images and create the appropriate sub-directory structure?

Offline tloebl

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Re: BPP FITS header question
« Reply #1 on: 2016 March 09 17:15:36 »
An additional bit of information...I use Sequence Generator Pro for image acquisition. The FITS header shows up with all information in that program. If I look at the FITS header of the same image in PI, most of the information is NOT displayed.

Offline RickS

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Re: BPP FITS header question
« Reply #2 on: 2016 March 09 19:45:30 »
Could someone point me to specifications for the required FITS header entry for BPP to be able to identify each bias, dark, flat, and filtered image so that BPP  can properly process the images and create the appropriate sub-directory structure?

The FITS keywords that BPP currently cares about are IMAGETYP (type of frame), FILTER/INSFLNAM (filter name), XBINNING/BINNING/CCDBINX (binning) and EXPTIME/EXPOSURE (exposure time.)  In the absence of an IMAGETYP keyword it will also look for hints in the file name (e.g. if it contains strings like "bias", "dark", etc.)

An additional bit of information...I use Sequence Generator Pro for image acquisition. The FITS header shows up with all information in that program. If I look at the FITS header of the same image in PI, most of the information is NOT displayed.

Are you saying that displaying the FITS header of exactly the same file shows fewer headers when displayed in PI compared to SGPro? That would be odd. Perhaps you'd like to put a sample file somewhere it can be downloaded?


Offline tloebl

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Re: BPP FITS header question
« Reply #3 on: 2016 March 10 06:54:33 »
Hi Rick, appreciate the stupidity. The FITS header is preserved except in integrated images, which makes a lot of sense!

I have been having some difficulty with using BPP and wanted to understand how  the script generates sub-folders based on filter designations and flats, darks, bias frames. Also, does the script require fixed FITS formats? For example, the word 'RED' or is 'R' sufficient for the FILTER  parameter.

Offline tloebl

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Re: BPP FITS header question
« Reply #4 on: 2016 March 10 08:24:21 »
One more thing...when I use a master flat, I get flat errors with BPP. When I use a master flat, there is no flat-fielding done by BPP. Manually adding IMAGETYP FLAT to the FITS header still does not apply the flat to the images.

Offline RickS

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Re: BPP FITS header question
« Reply #5 on: 2016 March 10 13:17:02 »
Hi Rick, appreciate the stupidity. The FITS header is preserved except in integrated images, which makes a lot of sense!

I have been having some difficulty with using BPP and wanted to understand how  the script generates sub-folders based on filter designations and flats, darks, bias frames. Also, does the script require fixed FITS formats? For example, the word 'RED' or is 'R' sufficient for the FILTER  parameter.

No problem, Tom  :)  I don't believe that BPP attempts to interpret the filter names. It just assumes that you consistently use the same name for lights and flats.  You can have a filter called "RED", "R" or you can even call it "Tom" if you like.

One more thing...when I use a master flat, I get flat errors with BPP. When I use a master flat, there is no flat-fielding done by BPP. Manually adding IMAGETYP FLAT to the FITS header still does not apply the flat to the images.

Check the BPP GUI to make sure everything looks right.  The master flat should appear in the Flats tab and the name should be bold (if it isn't check that the "Use master flat" box is checked.)  Also check that the filter names for the lights and the master flat match exactly.  If that's all good I'd start looking at the log that BPP writes on the Process Console to see if there are any hints in there.

If that still doesn't help and you can isolate the problem to a small set of files, upload them somewhere and I'd be happy to take a look at them.


Offline tloebl

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Re: BPP FITS header question
« Reply #6 on: 2016 March 10 17:09:18 »

looks like you nailed it. The filter names were different between the lights and the master flat. No more errors and flat is being applied. Just one more issue...BPP generates a LIGHT folder. Is there a way to separate the processed L, R  G, and B images in sub-directories within the LIGHT folder?


Offline RickS

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Re: BPP FITS header question
« Reply #7 on: 2016 March 10 20:12:49 »
looks like you nailed it. The filter names were different between the lights and the master flat. No more errors and flat is being applied. Just one more issue...BPP generates a LIGHT folder. Is there a way to separate the processed L, R  G, and B images in sub-directories within the LIGHT folder?

Glad I could help, Tom.

If you register the subs BPP normally creates a registered/<filtername> subdirectory for each filter and sorts the subs into there.  If you calibrate only then I don't know of any way to separate the subs by filter automatically.

