Author Topic: Histogram Transformation documentation.  (Read 2134 times)


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Histogram Transformation documentation.
« on: 2016 February 25 10:40:09 »
In the Histogram Transformation documentation, part 3.2, is the following statement:

"As we have said in the preceding paragraphs, you can select an existing view to load and inspect its histograms with HistogramTransformation. However, remember that PixInsight is an object-oriented system where processes and images are self-contained, mutually independent objects, and HistogramTransformation, despite what it may seem at first sight, is no exception to this rule (there are really no exceptions to this rule in PixInsight). This means that the histogram functions plotted on the input and output histogram panels, as well as the clipped pixel counts, are just informative data, but they actually have nothing to do with the instance of HistogramTransformation being defined, nor they will change its behavior in any way."

Does this mean that changes made in the histogram are not made to the image?


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Re: Histogram Transformation documentation.
« Reply #1 on: 2016 February 25 11:11:05 »
i think it means that until you apply the HT process to an image, the image is not changed by moving the HT sliders around. what's shown in the output graph is essentially a preview of what the histogram of the image would be after the HT is applied.

of course, the real-time preview will change as you move the sliders around - that's the purpose of the RT preview... to see what the changes would be before actually applying them to an image.
