Author Topic: Join plots from SubframeSelectorScript  (Read 2257 times)

Offline cwiede

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Join plots from SubframeSelectorScript
« on: 2016 January 30 10:28:48 »
the SubframeSelector-Script produces several plots to describe the data quality of a series of images. It is also possible to export these plots. The result is a single fits-file which seems to contain all the plots. I am looking for a simple way to join all these plots in one single jpg-file or gif-file. For this purpose I would need to put one plot below the next. I think Pixelmath could do this in a loop, but I'm not skilled enough... :( I also tried with PreviewAggregator and ImageInsert...
Thank you

Offline cwiede

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Re: Join plots from SubframeSelectorScript
« Reply #1 on: 2016 January 31 08:46:41 »
I would like to rephrase the question according to what I've learned in the meantime: I have a fits-file with more than one HDU. How can I arrange all the images (of equal size) one below the other in a fits-file with only one HDU? Is there a way in Pixelmath to access the HDUs in a loop?
Any suggestions?
Best regards