Hello All
I calibrate all my frames manually. I have created a Superbias frame out of 50 individual bias. I have a master Dark out of 40 individual frames. All my flats are within the linear spectrum of my Moravian G4-16000 (16803 chip).
Yet, when I calibrate my frames, the red frames (and sometimes the Ha frames) are over-corrected in the centre of the image where the flat intensity is greater. I do not have this issue, or at least is not as noticeable, with L,G,B,OIII or SII frames.
If I use an offset for the flat to calibrate my reds I get nicely corrected frames. I am using the following formula when I do this manually:
with k=0.121 (k0 obtained from calibrating using PI) and offset set at 0.2
How can I consistently add an offset to my frames so that I don't over calibrate them?
Thank you