Author Topic: New Post-Processing Example: M31 Andromeda Galaxy from a DSLR  (Read 9481 times)

Offline kayronjm

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Having produced an extensive list of tutorials for various techniques one can do in PixInsight, I will now concentrate on post-processing examples. This is the first in a line of many. It is a complete DSLR workflow, from beginning (pre-processed image) to end. The image this tutorial is based on is an M31 Andromeda Galaxy image captured with a DSLR from a light pollution red zone by friend, Gordon Barrett.
- Avalon M-Uno
- Takahashi FSQ-85ED, Altair Astro 8" RC with Astro-Physics CCDT67 Telecompressor
- QSI 660wsg-8, Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2
- Astrodon E-Series Gen2 LRGB 1.25", Astrodon HA, OIII & SII 3nm 1.25"

Offline Eddy Timmermans

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Re: New Post-Processing Example: M31 Andromeda Galaxy from a DSLR
« Reply #1 on: 2016 January 08 13:49:39 »
Hi Kayron,

The image you are working with is one I could have produced. I usually shoot frames of 60 to 90 seconds unguided.
So normally I should me able to pull the same amount of detail from my stacks, providing I get my focussing right.
Now I only need to wait for clear weather.
This is a really good tutorial. I practice a lot so I can get the workflow in my head, and only need to worry about checking out the parameters in the tools that work best for my image.
Thank you,

Offline kayronjm

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Re: New Post-Processing Example: M31 Andromeda Galaxy from a DSLR
« Reply #2 on: 2016 January 11 13:45:20 »
Hi Kayron,

The image you are working with is one I could have produced. I usually shoot frames of 60 to 90 seconds unguided.
So normally I should me able to pull the same amount of detail from my stacks, providing I get my focussing right.
Now I only need to wait for clear weather.
This is a really good tutorial. I practice a lot so I can get the workflow in my head, and only need to worry about checking out the parameters in the tools that work best for my image.
Thank you,

Hi Eddy,

Indeed it sounds like this image by Gordon is of the same kind you would be producing given your imaging habits. For focusing, have you tried a Bahtinov Mask for your telescope? It's a nice, fairly inexpensive way of getting a real-time guide as to how good your focus is, using a bright-ish star. If the star is bright enough, you could get great focus using Live View.

I'm glad the tutorial is helpful to you. I'm hoping to write more post-processing examples soon - both for DSLR and monochrome CCD (I use the latter). Practicing with different sets of data with different parameters and different combinations of processes tends to give one an idea of a general workflow to follow. My post-processing examples are meant to give readers some idea of everything that can (in some cases, should) be done to go from pre-processed image to final result. :)

Best Regards,
- Avalon M-Uno
- Takahashi FSQ-85ED, Altair Astro 8" RC with Astro-Physics CCDT67 Telecompressor
- QSI 660wsg-8, Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2
- Astrodon E-Series Gen2 LRGB 1.25", Astrodon HA, OIII & SII 3nm 1.25"

Offline Eddy Timmermans

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Re: New Post-Processing Example: M31 Andromeda Galaxy from a DSLR
« Reply #3 on: 2016 January 12 12:19:03 »
I use a bahtinov mask and it really makes focussing easy.
The focus then shifts to guiding. I try to make frames as long as possible.
But these frames were only 30 seconds, so guiding is not really that important.
Hopefully the sky brightens up soon here in Belgium

Offline Eddy Timmermans

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Re: New Post-Processing Example: M31 Andromeda Galaxy from a DSLR
« Reply #4 on: 2016 March 05 14:58:29 »
Is there a way of removing all the stars ftom a mask without using photoshop ?

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: New Post-Processing Example: M31 Andromeda Galaxy from a DSLR
« Reply #5 on: 2016 March 05 16:22:48 »
Hi Eddy, by removing star from a mask, do you mean something like this?
Saludos, Alejandro.

Offline Farzad_k

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Hi, and thanks for the tutorial on Andromeda.

I am following and am getting stuck where the mask is created before noise reduction. The Lightness image that I produce and then permanently stretch is not accepted as compatible for a mask and therefore it does not appear in the "Select Mask" list.

What am I missing?

Offline rtemen

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Re: New Post-Processing Example: M31 Andromeda Galaxy from a DSLR
« Reply #7 on: 2017 October 07 16:26:50 »
I am also having some troubles while following your tutorial.
I put a post up the other day showing what I am getting.
Here is the post:
PixInsight Forum » PixInsight » Image Processing Challenges » Applying HDRMultiscaleTransform to my image Clone is producing strange results

Can you tell from my description and pictures what I might be doing wrong?
