Author Topic: "Live" integration & image control  (Read 2534 times)

Offline Greg Schwimer

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"Live" integration & image control
« on: 2015 November 19 10:51:39 »
I'm curious as to whether PI can be leveraged to calibrate and integrate images "live" as they come in, similar to Astrotoaster/DSS. This would be very helpful for those of us that are in to "Electronically Assisted Astronomy" (EAA). Here's how it might work:
  • Darks/Flats/bias pre- generated
  • Capture sequence started
  • First light image - calibrated w/ darks/flats/bias, display
  • 2nd image comes in - calibrate, register, integrate w/ prior, display
  • repeat

While this is going on, it would be helpful to have basic control of the view window - STF at the least but maybe some other things.

I'm not sure how this would work, but given the extensible nature of PI it seems like something might be able to be done.

- gs
- Greg
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA