Author Topic: Narrowband combining for SHO - linear vs nonlinear combination - advice needed  (Read 4643 times)

Offline cmassa

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I've recently started narrowband imaging with my Atik 383L+. I'm trying to process a set in the SHO palette. Where is the better point to do the channel combination - while still linear (but after gradient removal, linear fit), or later after further processing (stretching, noise reduction, etc...) in the nonlinear stages? I've been trying ratios but have read 6:1:3 is the usual mix for SHO. I'm having trouble with the entire image turning out magenta unless I unlink colors in STF. I'll keep playing with it.

Thanks for any advice,
iOptron CEM60, Celestron Advanced VX mounts
Celestron 8" EdgeHD SCT, Astrotech AT65EDQ
Atik 383L+ mono, EFW2 Filter wheel, Baader filters,Canon T2i/550D, self modded with Baader IR
Astrotech 50mm guides scope
ZWO ASI120MC - guiding and planetary imager
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Offline pfile

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i do the channel combo when linear. check this thread for a very nice/easy SHO narrowband flow by RickS:


Offline jkmorse

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  • Two questions, Mitch . .
    • Jim Morse Astronomy

Rob's suggestion is a great way forward.  Another option which is my standard, is to wait until the non-linear phase and use the SHO-AIP script.  As to settings, I usually go 80/20 SII/Ha for Red, 80/20 OIII/Ha for Green and 100 OIII for Blue.  Juan Conejero calls this a more ‘natural’ representation and I find it works well, though I usually tweak the results using the hue button in CurvesTransformation and, if the green is still too strong, applying a dose of SCNR.


Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

New Mexico Skies Observatory
Apogee Aspen 16803
Planewave CDK17 - Paramount MEII
Planewave IFR90 - Astrodon LRGB & NB filters
SkyX - MaximDL - ACP