Author Topic: BPP preprocessing script and DSLR RAW settings  (Read 2018 times)

Offline tommy_nawratil

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BPP preprocessing script and DSLR RAW settings
« on: 2015 November 13 07:53:10 »

currently my laptop is working on stacking 512 fullframe pics.
Now I got the idea, maybe I forgot to change the DSLR RAW settings to RAW.
Because in checking frames, I used the Debayer settings.
The script is running, I just can abort it or let it go further (loooong time...)
I tried to open a second instance to check the calibrated files is still undebayered, doesn't work, first instance is signaling "Hey I am here!"
No way to enter.
I could check in another software, but xisf files cannot be recognised.

Any idea?
Maybe it could be integrated into BPP?
My brain is weak frequently, it's awkward to have the switch hidden somewhere else.


EDIT: I aborted to check, and by magic all calibrated files are not debayered.
But checking the RAW settings in Format explorer, it was set to VNG.
So, BPP overrules that settings, I guess. Didn't know that. Smart!
Now, BPP starts from beginning, and my evening is free. Cool.
« Last Edit: 2015 November 13 07:59:27 by tommy_nawratil »