Author Topic: Adding Ha data to unbinned L and binned RGB  (Read 2151 times)

Offline javajunkie2121

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Adding Ha data to unbinned L and binned RGB
« on: 2015 November 07 08:51:59 »

I'd like to add some Ha data to a galaxy project to get more detail..I have unbinned luminance and binned RGB.  I'm uncertain about whether to bin vs not bin the Ha shots..the situation is dark sky imaging with f7 scope and the KAF 8300 chip.  I thought folks would choose binning of the narrowband to match the binned RGB to combine, but I see some folks listing unbinned L and Ha and binned RGB?

any suggestions?


Offline lucchett

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Re: Adding Ha data to unbinned L and binned RGB
« Reply #1 on: 2015 November 08 03:24:44 »
If your objective is to get more details, you probably need to use ha in luminance and therefore acquire in binning 1.
You are probably going to face some additional issues with the stars when blending with R.

I did one experiment last year:

Now I try to shoot only bin1, blending is already too challenging for me.