Author Topic: Matching Images for Mosaic  (Read 2816 times)

Offline bmhjr

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Matching Images for Mosaic
« on: 2015 October 30 06:50:31 »

I have taken several widefield Milky Way images in hopes of creating a mosaic.  These shots include both sky and foreground.  After stacking the different panels I am having difficulty matching both the intensity and color so that a seamless mosaic would be possible.  (I have not addressed the alignment yet, first things first)

After performing DBE, Bgrnd nuetralization, and Color Cal the images do not look close enough to blend if I look at the standard STF while still linear.  I have been doing a lot of looking and think I may be able to use the Linear Fit tool to match intensities between the images but I'm not sure.

Is there a way to match the image intensity and color calibration among the different stacks?  If so, what would be the tools and steps?


Offline JoLo

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Re: Matching Images for Mosaic
« Reply #1 on: 2015 October 30 11:53:38 »
I have only used it a couple of times, but GradientMergeMosaic is the script you want to use.  It is a two step process that I have used with a monochrome camera and RGB / Narrowband filters.  The first step merges the panels for each filter and the second step produces a seamless, stacked image.  The few times I have played with it, the mosaic it produced was perfect, I could not see where the panels merged or any color / gradient differences between them.

If I remember, I used a tutorial on the Light Vortex Astronomy site, which as usual was a detailed, step-by-step tutorial.  I am sure there are resources here on the forum as well.

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Offline bmhjr

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Re: Matching Images for Mosaic
« Reply #2 on: 2015 October 30 14:48:31 »
Thanks Joe. Ill go through that tutorial using just a couple of panels and see how it works.

Offline bmhjr

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Re: Matching Images for Mosaic
« Reply #3 on: 2015 October 30 20:40:06 »
I have been following the tutorial on Lightvortex as well as various posts in this forum.  I cannot register an image with earth foreground, in the lower portion of the image, against a star catalog or against the adjacent image which is all sky.  If I crop out the foreground then the image will register.  Of course this does me no good since my Milky Way mosaic goes from the ground up.

Is there anyway to register an image that has foreground, or should I abandon Pixinsight for trying to process this type of mosaic?

Offline bmhjr

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Re: Matching Images for Mosaic
« Reply #4 on: 2015 October 30 22:27:12 »
I got it to work with more adjusting of the previews.  It is not perfect but I see it is possible.  I have found a lot of help in this post
