Author Topic: Problems with DynamicPSF with synthetic star profile  (Read 3680 times)

Offline mcgillca

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Problems with DynamicPSF with synthetic star profile
« on: 2015 October 27 03:29:31 »
Hi - not sure if this is a bug, or something unusual I'm trying to do.

I've been trying to understand an unusual aspect ratio pattern in my telescope (an 8" RC). I think its because the primary is misaligned, causing coma across the field.

In an attempt to test this, I've created some synthetic star profiles using ray tracing. When I import these into PixInsight and try to use the DynamicPSF tool to analyse the aspect ratios, PixInsight stops responding.

I've included a small portion of a fits file with just 1 synthetic star, and this exhibits the problem.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I have the same problem in CCDInspector - it does not recognise the stars.

Thank you,

Paramount MX
Ikharos 8" Carbon Truss RC
Atik 460ex
Atik EFW2 with Baader LRGB and HA SII OIII
ONAG with Atik 314L+

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Problems with DynamicPSF with synthetic star profile
« Reply #1 on: 2015 October 27 03:47:05 »
Hi Colin,

Bug confirmed. The problem is that this image has no background, i.e. the background is zero. A simple workaround is to apply the following PixelMath expression before using DynamicPSF:

$T + 0.005

Now DynamicPSF will fit your synthetic star without problems. FYI the parameters are:

Gaussian PSF
B .......   0.005220
A .......   0.912878
sx ......   1.52 px
sy ......   1.39 px
FWHMx ...   3.58 px
FWHMy ...   3.27 px
r .......   0.912
theta ...  +0.00 deg

I'll try to fix this bug ASAP. Thank you for reporting.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline mcgillca

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Re: Problems with DynamicPSF with synthetic star profile
« Reply #2 on: 2015 October 27 08:13:43 »
Thank you very much, Juan.

I generated this using an Real*4 fortran array, which did have a non-zero floor, but the results seem to get scaled between 0 and 1 - not sure if this is the result of the CFITSIO routines I called, or something that happens when PI reads this sort of array?

Either way, I'll see if I can fix it by reducing some of the values in my array so that it gets a non-zero value in most places, or if not, I'll use the PixelMath tweak you suggested.

Thank you again,

Paramount MX
Ikharos 8" Carbon Truss RC
Atik 460ex
Atik EFW2 with Baader LRGB and HA SII OIII
ONAG with Atik 314L+

Offline mcgillca

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Re: Problems with DynamicPSF with synthetic star profile
« Reply #3 on: 2015 October 28 03:30:26 »
Thanks, Juan - introducing just one pixel with a lower value preserved the non-zero floor elsewhere in the image and this has done the trick, for both PI and CCDInspector.

Paramount MX
Ikharos 8" Carbon Truss RC
Atik 460ex
Atik EFW2 with Baader LRGB and HA SII OIII
ONAG with Atik 314L+