Author Topic: New data and DrizzleIntegration  (Read 2016 times)

Offline LarryC

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New data and DrizzleIntegration
« on: 2015 October 10 11:25:23 »
Maybe a simple noob question, but I process each night's new data for a particular target with new darks and flats.  I ultimately want to re-DrizzleIntegrate the new Drizzle files I'll produce during lights Integration with my existing drizzle files from previous nights drizzle files.  The question is, after Calibration, CosmeticCorrection and BatchDebayering the newly acquired lights against their new dark and flat masters, can I proceed through  to StarAlignment and ImageIntegration (with "create drizzle") then add those new Drizzle files to my previously generated drizzle files and re-DrizzleIntegrate the complete collection, or should I StarAlign and light Integrate with all existing data?