Author Topic: BPP script using previously manually made Master Darks and Bias Frames  (Read 2756 times)

Offline cdavid

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Hi, I have always used BPP with my DSLR images and simply used Master Darks and a superbias from my library.

I have just acquired a QSI 683 camera.  I had created some master Darks, and a Super bias for my library.

Today when I went to use BPP with some subs of M33 that I shot last night I am getting an error stating that it cannot find a Master Dark of time 300s....

The master Dark is in the correct panel and I have master checked.  It also warned me about the master dark not matching the Flat frames.  I have never worried about shooting darks for flats....simply relying on my Master Bias.

Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?


Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Hi Carlos, only a guess

I am getting an error stating that it cannot find a Master Dark of time 300s....

by chance are you using a cosmetic correction instance on BPP? May be that instance refer to an old Master Dark.

Saludos, Alejandro.

Offline cdavid

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Thanks Alejandro, actually no I am not.

I do not understand why this is happening.  With my old DSLR this was never an issue.  With then QSI camera which captures images through the SKY X, I am encountering this.....I wonder if it has something to do with the FITS header.

Offline themongoose85

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My manually created master dark has the exposure time in the filename and I don't get this error.

Offline cdavid

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Thank you....I will try that.  I see from the FITS Header that there is no exposure time associated with the master.  I guess it gets stripped off.
Thanks again