Author Topic: Forum improvement (favorite tasks and tagging)  (Read 3019 times)

Offline lucchett

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Forum improvement (favorite tasks and tagging)
« on: 2015 September 16 02:28:43 »
Hi, I condsider this forum the best documentation source on PI.

I don't know how it is difficult but adding some functionalities to classify the threads would be terrific.

Usually the information is already available but it is very difficult to put together: the result is  huge time spent on reading off topic threads and a possible new thread.

for example, I recently posted a few questions on the forum that for now didn't get any answer.
By chance this morning I found  an old thread where Vicent solved one of my pending questions.

what in my opinion would be important:

-flag favorites threads
-list of standardized tags
-creation of an index (by tool, by scope, by process, depending on the tags)

Tagging could be mandatory for new threads and forum users could eventually take care of old-thread tagging/classification)

Thanks a lot,

Offline jkmorse

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Re: Forum improvement (favorite tasks and tagging)
« Reply #1 on: 2015 September 16 07:48:13 »
+1 of being able to flag favorite threads.  When I see one I don't want to lose I often send a comment just so its in my personal inventory but I hate clogging up the traffic just to backdoor a tag.  Others are a great idea but sound like they would require a lot of time to develop.
Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

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Offline msmythers

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Re: Forum improvement (favorite tasks and tagging)
« Reply #2 on: 2015 September 16 10:10:12 »
My method of tagging is I have a separate forum folder in my browsers bookmarks and sub-folders by topic. I then bookmark the topic of interest. Since my bookmarks are sync'd across different devices I always have them with me. What I really wish worked better in the forum was the search function. I have the hardest time with this search function compared to any other. Most of the time I search using Google and the site: feature. That works so much better.
